- Details
Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of February 8, 2021 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:00 a.m.
Prayer was said by Dan Smith.
Present 16: Anne Osgood-President, Shana Simison-Vice President, Wendy Graf-Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki-Secretary, Donna Matteson-Board Assistant, Barbara Giacchetti-Exercise Class, Brenda Ocenasek-Historical Committee, Dan Smith-Bible Study, Mary Jane Clark-Shuffleboard, Tom Farrington-Horseshoes, Boating & Fishing Club-Rick Plite, Bocce Club-Carl Kerr, Book Club-Jinny Kiel, Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson, Art Class-Marilyn Morrisey, Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller
The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.
Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The bank balance is $10,658.97. The report will stand as read.
President’s report-Anne Osgood-the Annual Shareholders Meeting will be on February 16th at the Shuffleboard Court. Chairs will be provided. Anyone who would like to attend the meeting will be required to register in advance. Registration will take place from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Carport behind the Office on Feb. 16. Each person who registers will receive an armband which is needed for entry into the meeting. There are two proxies that need to submitted this year. They were sent out in separate mailings. As of Friday, there were 83 Proxies submitted. We need more to have a quorum which is over 300. So please submit your Proxies. Obtaining an Electronic Bulletin Board has not been decided. After the election of the Board of Directors, it will need to be addressed.
Vice President’s report-Shana Simison-no report
Old Business:
Pool Sign Up Sheet-No one has signed up to volunteer to cover pool for the last two weeks in February.
New Business:
Nominating Committee-the Committee will search for nominees for the election of Vice President and Treasurer. Brenda O., Carl K., Barbara G., and Marilyn M. agreed to be on the Nominating Committee. A slate of Nominees will be presented at the next meeting on March 8th. Shana and Wendy have agreed to continue in those positions.
Activity report/update:
Blood Mobile-Susan Miller-Blood Mobile will be here February 24th at 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Anyone who would like to donate blood, please call the phone number on the flyer to sign up. She had several flyers with all the information to pass out.
Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller-The Ladies Friendship Club has not been meeting in an excess of precautions with Covid. We are hoping to meet in March. We are in the process of sending a letter to all the members to decide how we will distribute the money we have to donate this year.
Boating & Fishing Club-Rick Plite-the Executive Board met in November and decided to continue the monthly fishing contests for December-March. We conducted a meeting in January with 50 participants. Coast Guard inspected 21 boats last Thursday.
Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She would like to remind people to give pictures and other items from Paradise Bay activities, etc. to their Committee. She would like someone from the Sarabay RV Park to join their Committee. If anyone is interested, please contact her.
Art Class-Marilyn Morrisey-We haven’t been meeting. We plan to have a sale of items during the Parkwide Sale on March 13th. There will be signs with information of our location.
Shuffleboard-Mary Jane Clark-We are offering free lessons. The information is posted on the board at the Shuffleboard Court.
Blanket Angels-Wendy Graf read a letter from Jo Wagner. It stated that they make warm fleece blankets for Vets and a shelter for the abused and homeless. They depend on donations from individuals from both parks. The contact with individuals is not the same this year. They make 70 blankets at a cost of $18-20 a blanket. Therefore, they are requesting a donation from the Activities Committee or anyone else. Anne said we will donate $200 like we did last year.
Book Club-Jinny Kiel-We will meet on Tuesday, February 9th at 1 p.m. at 20 Bayview in the carport. We will be discussing The Great Alone. We will meet again on Tuesday, March 9th to discuss The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.
Bocce Club-Carl Kerr-The Courts are open. There are balls available to play. If you would like to use any other balls, you can contact a member.
Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson-There have been a lot of changes this year with the activities. If you would like your activity in the Newsletter or on the Calendar, please let Joyce know.
Sunshine Club-Donna Matteson-If you know of anyone that is 90 years or older, please let her know. They will send a bouquet of flowers and a card for Valentine’s Day.
Exercise Class-Barbara Giacchetti-We are back in the Hall.
Entertainment-Anne Osgood mentioned that the Committee is in the process of booking the acts for next season.
Anne O. mentioned that there will be 10 more chairs in the pool area.
Anne O. adjourned the meeting at 10:36 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki
Our next meeting is March 8, 2021 at 10 a.m. at the Carport
- Details
Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of January 18, 2021 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:00 a.m.
Prayer was said by Dan Smith.
Present 11: Anne Osgood-President, Shana Simison-Vice President, Wendy Graf-Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki-Secretary, Donna Matteson-Board Assistant, Barbara Giacchetti-Exercise Class, Brenda Ocenasek-Historical Committee, Dan Smith-Bible Study, Mary Jane Clark-Shuffleboard, Robin Smith-Pickle Ball, Tom Farrington-Horseshoes
The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.
Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The bank balance is $10,658.97. The report will stand as read. Annual Financial Reports are due January 24.
President’s report-Anne Osgood-She introduced our new Board Assistant, Donna Matteson. We are very happy to have her. The Executive Board members visited the new residents at 15 houses and invited them to the Coffee Hour on January 11th. They were given a packet of information about the activities. Eight of the new residents did attend the Coffee Hour and introduced themselves. This Coffee Hour replaced the Welcome Reception, this year. Many of the Activity leaders spoke about their group and updated us on their plans for this year. Anne said it went very well and thanks everyone who spoke. Meet the Candidates will be January 25th at 10 a.m. at the Carport. Christmas Eve Sing-Along was well attended and everyone enjoyed it. There will be a Musical Sing-Along Soiree’ on January 21st at 3-5 p.m. at the Carport.
Vice President’s report-Shana Simison-The Dances that were scheduled for March 6 and 19 have been cancelled. She reminded everyone about the guidelines to follow when conducting any activities; no more than 10 people indoors and 50 people outdoors, stay at least 6 ft. apart and wear a mask.
Old Business
Pool Sign Up Sheet-No one has signed up to volunteer to cover pool. If no one agrees to cover the pool at night, the pool will be covered at 4 p.m.
Electronic Bulletin Board-The Activities Committee approved to pay for half of the Electronic Bulletin Board. However, due to the changes in the Board of Directors, nothing has been done about getting the new board so it is still pending.
Memorial Service-will be March 21st. Anne requested the names of anyone who has passed away since the last Memorial Service to be sent to any of the Executive Board members.
New Business
Exercise Class-Barbara Giacchetti-the class is being held at the Shuffleboard Courts on M-W-F at 8:30 because more than 10 people are attending.
Musical Sing-Along Soiree’-Thursday, January 21st at 3-5 p.m. at the Carport
Activities Committee meetings- at the next meeting on February 8th, a Nominating Committee will be appointed to find nominees to run for Vice President and Treasurer which are up for election this year. The Nominating Committee will present those nominees at the following meeting on March 8th. Shana has agreed to continue as Vice President and Wendy has agreed to continue as Treasurer for another term. Therefore, if there are no new nominees presented at the March 8th meeting, it will not be necessary to conduct a meeting on March 22nd for the election. In that case, there will not be a March 22nd meeting.
Activity report/update
Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She would like to remind people to give pictures and other items from Paradise Bay activities, etc. to their Committee. They can make copies of any materials, if you would like them returned.
Sunshine Club-Wendy Graf reported that in February, they send flowers and cards to anyone that is 90 or older. If you know anyone of that age, please send their name and address to her or Donna Matteson. Donna, also, mentioned that they send cards for birthdays, illnesses, hospitalizations, encouragement, etc. to help lift people’s spirits. If you know of anyone who they should send a card, please let them know.
Woodshop-Wendy Graf reported they are still accepting members for a fee. You may join by going to the Woodshop in the morning and speaking to one of the officers.
Shuffleboard-Mary Jane Clark-She would like to have information about Shuffleboard put on the SaraBay bulletin board. Shana will let Jane Hasek know to put it on.
Bible Study-Dan Smith-We got off to a great start last week for Bible Study at the Carport. Sunday mornings, we meet at the waterfront for a Service, if the temperature or wind chill is above 55. Bible Study is on Thursday at 10 a.m. at the Carport. Sunday morning service is at 10 a.m. at the waterfront.
Pickleball-Robin Smith-we are cleaning all the equipment and practicing social distancing. Anyone is welcome. We haven’t started lessons because of covid.
Horseshoes-Tom Farrington-Everyone is welcome to play on Fridays at 9 a.m.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Wendy Graf and seconded by Brenda Ocenasek at 10:38 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki
Our next meeting is February 8, 2021 at 10 a.m. at the Carport
- Details
LOCATION: Outside Under the Office Carport – Masks were Required
Call to Order by President, Anne Osgood at 10:02 am
Prayer was said by Dan Smith
Pledge of Allegiance deferred (No flag visible)
Anne asked for a volunteer to record meeting minutes in Karen’s absence. No one volunteered, Shana, VP will record the minutes. Record of Attendance taken by Shana. Due to COVID, the sign-in sheet was not used.
PRESENT: 20 Anne Osgood-President, Shana Simison-VP, Wendy Graf-Treasurer, Debra Rogers-PB BOD VP Liaison, Mary Jane Clark-Shuffleboard, Donna Matteson-Decorations, Barbara Giacchetti-Exercise, Brenda Ocenasek-Historical, Carl Shaver-Boat & Fish, Dan Smith-Bible Study, Jim Gath-Golf, Jinny Kiel-Book Club, Tom Hockin-Bulletin Board, Ann Hockin-Water Aerobics, Les & Pauline Hall-Bocce, Barbara & Beverly Price-Bowling/Pressed Flowers, Randy Darr-Entertainment/Woodshop, Tom Farrington-Horseshoes
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting (March 9, 2020) were posted. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes so they will stand as posted.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Wendy Graf. Financial Profit and Loss Report made available to all members. The current bank balance is $11,370.57. There was no discussion, the report will stand as read.
President's Report: A meeting Agenda was given to all present. Anne stated that “In respect of time, we will follow the agenda. The Presidents’ & Vice Presidents’ report are informational only, there will be no discussion at this time. There will be a time for Q.&A after the activity reports”.
- Laura Lee Smit, has moved out of the park. She was our Exec Board Assistant. The Exec Board will appoint someone for this position as stated in the Rules.
- COVID-19 - Everyone has been doing a great job with wearing masks and social distancing. Keep up the good work.
- Please Spread the Word - Volunteers are needed to cover the pool in the evenings whenever the temp goes below 60 degrees during the night. The volunteer Sign-Up sheet is in the office for those who wish to volunteer. It is a week commitment, Sunday to Saturday.
A blast email was sent out on 12/3/2020 addressing this issue. Only 4 people have signed up. If you have never done it, call Jim Gath at 847-525-2558 or Harry Osgood at 207-850-0169 and they will be there to instruct you. If we do not have people sign up and the forecast predicts temps below 60, the Maintenance Staff will close the pool at 4 PM before they leave, even if the Temp is in the 70’s at the time. NO SWIMMING is allowed whenever the pool is covered.
As temperatures remain low in the upcoming winter months, the Hot Tub should remain covered when not in use. Feel free to uncover it to use and then Cover it when you are finished if no one else is using it.
- We will be purchasing a portable PA System, Battery Operated for use at outside meetings.
Vice President’s Report:
- Health Report - Susan Miller was unable to attend, she sent in her information. Her report as read:
- “The blood drive was very successful. 19 units were collected. My thanks to all who helped and donated. The next blood drive will be on Wed, FEB 24, 2021.
- Susan was informed by the Health Care sponsors that they are not doing any inside fairs this season. Due to COVID, our Health Fair is canceled.
- Ladies Friendship Club will be planning activities on a monthly basis based on the latest advice from the CDC. There is no meeting planned for JANUARY. An email to all the members will be going out later this week
- Dances – Debbie Greeves unable to attend. Her report read as written:
- Three scheduled dances for January & February have been canceled.
- SoulRCoaster is still tentatively booked for Bayfest Dance (FREE to all), scheduled March 6, 2021. Debbie is hoping we can all do something on the Million Dollar Lot.
- She hope to do a 50/50 raffle during the Bayfest Dance to help raise funds to go towards next years’ Bayfest band.
- Water Aerobics – Ann Hockin needed to leave early. Her report read as written:
- Due to personal circumstances, Ann feels it necessary to give up the responsibilities of Water Aerobics Chair at this time.
- Ann gives her sincere “Thanks” to Joyce Farrington & Jean Colson for “being the keepers of the keys”. Joyce will be the Interim Chairperson until Ann is able to return to her position.
- PB Activities Committee Rules:
- A draft of the Rules with Proposed revisions made at the March 9 meeting was emailed to members prior to this meeting. Copies were passed out and Anne explained all changes and additions made. There were no questions or discussion. Pauline Hall made the motion to accept all revisions, seconded by Jim Gath. Unanimous approval.
- The updated Rules will be signed and Karen Rimatzki, Committee Secretary, will post them and email them out to all members.
NEW BUSINESS: New Electronic “Bulletin Board” Sign:
- Some members on the PB BOD have been corresponding with Magee Signs, a company in Palmetto, FL to replace our manual bulletin board with a Cloud based electronic Sign. It will be in the same location on the outside of the PB Rec Hall. The Activity Events will be entered through a computer by the office staff and can be maintained by multiple people enabling entry even when the office staff is not here.
- Magee Sign Service will survey our location to ensure the design they recommend meets with all local sign codes and ordinances. They are a State of Florida, licensed and insured electrical sign contractor. Their license allows them to apply for our sign permit in our county and city.
- The estimated cost will be between $5,000 - $6,000. Since this will be a great benefit to all our shareholders & residents, we would like the Activities Committee to help pay for half the cost of the sign.
- The floor was opened with little discussion. Randy Darr asked if other companies were considered. Debbi Rogers stated they had tried to get quotes from other sign companies but because of COVID none of them would come on site to do their surveys.
- Jim Gath made a motion to approve funds up to $3,000 to be paid for the sign and Brenda Ocenasek seconded the motion. It passed with a unanimous vote.
- INSIDE MEETINGS & GATHERINGS Per PB Board of Directors….
- Meetings are allowed inside as long as there are NO MORE THAN 10 people present.
- Masks and Social Distancing (6 Ft Apart) ARE REQUIRED
- NO FOOD OR DRINKS (other than personal water bottles brought from home)
- Card Playing is NOT allowed inside any PB facility
- All tables & chairs must be disinfected and sprayed after use (more details to follow)
- Please inform Shana Simison, #765-318-9818 if you decide to hold your already scheduled meeting inside. If the location, date, or time is different than what appears on the calendar, Shana needs to be informed to prevent scheduling conflicts.
- All Activities with more than 10 people must be held outside.
- Masks and Social Distancing ARE REQUIRED
- Only Food &/or Drink that is served by limited individuals with approval from the PB BOD is allowed (more details to follow).
- Inform your members to bring their own chairs or golfcarts
- Please let Shana know if you need an outside table. **Please do not call the office regarding tables or using the carport. All requests must go through Shana and she will take care of informing them.
- We now have 2 portable microphones with speakers that you can use for your outside meetings/gatherings. These machines require electrical power. The Activity Committee is purchasing another portable speaker/microphone system that will run on power &/or battery. You must call Shana to reserve it.
- Suggestions of Places to gather outside: You must notify Shana of any outside meetings/gatherings to avoid scheduling conflicts.
- In back of the PB Office under the car port (Shana must be notified to inform office to move their cars)
- The shuffleboard courts (Remember that Shufflers play every afternoon at 12:30PM)
- The Bocce Courts (Fun Bocce is Every Wednesday, 9AM (court preparation) – 12PM and 1PM – 3PM on Wednesdays.
- PB MEMORIAL SERVICE will be held on Sunday, MARCH 21 (Note Date Change) @ 6PM. Location TBD (depending on CDC Guidelines in March)
- It is important that we include all our PB Shareholders & Residents who have passed away since our last Memorial Service held on MARCH 8, 2020.
- Please Text or Email Anne Osgood, #207-850-0168, with the names of your PB friends & neighbors who you know have passed away.
- WELCOME RECEPTION was scheduled for Friday, JAN 8, 1PM – 3PM. We need to think outside the box to come up with a plan to welcome and inform our new PB shareholders & residents.
- Should we have an Outdoor “Greet and Meet” with the Informational Handout of all the Activity Committees and Q&A from “Newbies” regarding the activity committee they are interested in?
- How do we do it and still remain safe during this pandemic? Any suggestions are appreciated.
- We need help in identifying the new shareholders & residents that have come into our park after JAN 10, 2020. Please Text or Email me the names & locations of your new neighbor or friend.
- More discussion at next Activity Committee Meeting on JANUARY 11 @ 10 AM, OUTSIDE under the Office Carport.
- CHRISTMAS EVE CELEBRATION, Thurs, DEC 24, 2020 @ 1PM–3PM OUTSIDE under the carport behind the office.
The Activity Committee Executive Board will be hosting a “Christmas Carol Sing-Along” on Christmas Eve Day @ 1-3 PM. We are inviting all musicians to come and play their instruments as we all sing carols, eat Christmas Cookies and drink Fruit Punch (while following CDC guidelines). We have a volunteer offering to play the keyboard. We invite all PB & SB Shareholders & Residents to come and be a part of our Christmas Celebration!!
- We are looking for solos, duets, trios or groups to sing special Christmas Songs. Please let Shana, Wendy or Anne know via Text or Email if you are willing to volunteer to share your talents (Phone #’s & Email addresses are in the Directory).
- There will be a reading of the Christmas Story
- We will all sing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” together to close out the celebration before lighting our candles for Luminaries at dusk.
- Donna Matteson and Barbara Giacchetti volunteered to decorate the Office Carport for Christmas.
- Due to COVID-19 CDC Guidelines and the PB Board of Director’s Restrictions for our 55+ Park, until further notice, ALL DINNERS, BINGO, ENTERTAINMENT, DANCES & CARD PLAYING are canceled for this season.
- We have two portable PA Systems with microphones available for use. If electricity is not available one of them is battery operated. Long tables are available if needed. Members will need to bring their own chairs or golf carts as needed.
- If you decide to have a club meeting, please let Shana Simison know. She will need to know the Date, Time, Location, Equipment Needs, and whether you will be meeting on a regular monthly basis.
- Do not call the office to schedule the carport for your meeting. All scheduling of meetings & locations must go through Shana to prevent conflicts.
- Woodshop - Randy Darr reported that the wood shop is open but they are not having any meetings.
- Boat & Fish - Carl Shaver reported that Club meetings will begin in January under the carport.
- Book Club - Jenny Kiel reported that meetings will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month under the carport.
- Golf League – Jim Gath reported leagues will continue to meet at Pinebrook-Ironwood on Tuesdays @ 12:30PM.
- Bowling – Barbara & Beverly Price reported that bowling starts January every Wednesday @ 9:30AM.
Motion to adjourn made by Wendy Graf and seconded by Shana Simison.
Respectively Submitted by Shana Simison
- Details
Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of March 9, 2020 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:04 a.m.
Prayer was said by Dan Smith.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present were: Anne Osgood, President, Shana Simison, Vice President, Wendy Graf, Treasurer and Karen Rimatzki, Secretary plus 23 other members.
The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.
Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The bank balance is $10,739.91. The report will stand as read.
President’s report-Anne Osgood asked if there are any nominations for the President or Secretary for the election on March 23rd. There were no nominations. Therefore, Anne asked the members in attendance to vote on whether or not to keep the present President and Secretary. Everyone voted to keep Anne Osgood as President and Karen Rimatzki as Secretary for another term. Anne thanked all the volunteers for all their help at Bayfest.
Vice President’s report-Shana Simison thanked everyone for selling tickets for Bayfest and keeping her informed on the number of tickets sold, then returning the money. It was unfortunate that we ran out of some food at Bayfest. We will be better prepared next year to know the amount of food to buy. She is scheduling the activities for next season and would like everyone to contact her with their dates as soon as possible. Any of the weekly and daily activities will remain the same.
Old Business
Luminaires jugs-Anne O. and Anita Cook have stored the jugs in the laundry storage room.
New Business
Rules-A draft of the Rules with proposed revisions was emailed to members and copies passed out at the meeting. There were several questions and comments. Anne O. read and explained the proposed changes. There were some changes made to the revisions. Also, additional revisions to the Rules were proposed. Therefore, a revised draft with all the changes will be made and emailed to the members before the March 23rd meeting. The revised Rules will be voted on at that meeting.
Activity report/update
Easter Dinner-Susan Miller-It is on April 12th. The Boating & Fishing Club will be sponsoring the dinner. However, since it is after the end of March, a lot of people will have all ready left for the season. Therefore, more volunteers will be needed. She has a sign-up sheet for the various jobs, so please contact her.
Some people have asked Anne O. about having a Coffee Hour on the 5th Monday of the month. She asked the members in attendance who would like a Coffee Hour on the 5th Monday of the month. Everyone voted no.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Carl Shaver and seconded by Wendy Graff at 11:16 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki
- Details
Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of February 24, 2020 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:00 a.m.
Prayer was said by Dan Smith.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present were: Anne Osgood, President, Shana Simison, Vice President, Wendy Graf, Treasurer and Karen Rimatzki, Secretary plus 18 other members.
The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.
Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. Dated 2/10/20 through 2/23/20. Copies were also handed out at the meeting. The bank balance is $10,436.61. The report will stand as read.
President’s report-Anne stated that the positions of President and Secretary are up for election this year on March 23rd. Therefore, she needs to appoint three people to be on the Nominating Committee that agree to serve. Sue Cassidy, Carl Kerr, and Marilyn Morrisey agreed to be on the Nominating Committee. At our March 9th meeting, the Nominating Committee will present any nominees. If there are any nominees, then the voting will take place at the March 23rd meeting. If there are no nominees, then a motion can be made to have the Board stand as is. Anne is happy to announce that our new Decorations Committee Chairperson is Marie Buchanan. She will be assisted by Shirley Frederick, Pat Coy and Linda Fardella. However, they do not arrive here until January, so we will still need help with decorations in November and December.
Vice President’s report-Shana stated that there were 217 tickets sold for the Italian Dinner. Everything went great. She has the tickets for the Bayfest luncheon. The cost is $5.00 for a pulled pork sandwich or hot dog, potato chips, and a root beer float. She has made up envelopes with 20 tickets in each. Anne said she would like the members of the Activity Committee to take an envelope to sell tickets and return the money and unsold tickets by the March 2nd Coffee Hour. This will help us know how much food to buy. Carl Shaver said he should be able to sell tickets at the next Boating & Fishing Club meeting on March 3rd so Anne said that would be fine, since we would be doing the shopping after that. We will, also, be selling tickets at the door but want to get the word out there ahead of time.
Old Business
Laundry storage room-Anne stated she took a tour of the storage room. There is plenty of room to store Anita Cook’s Luminary jugs.
New Horseshoe Chairperson-Tom Farrington is our new Horseshoe Chairperson. Anne stated that Tom said the shells have been removed from the pits and it’s not necessary to purchase any more sand. Tom stated there will be a Tournament on March 13th at 9:00 a.m. He would like everyone there by 8:30 a.m. to form the teams. The Activities Committee will provide money for trophies for the winners. Tom asked how he can have access to an electric outlet for a coffee pot he would like to use for the Tournament. Anne said she would talk to the office to find a solution.
New Business
BayFest-March 7th at 10:00 a.m. into the Evening. There will be a final meeting on March 2nd in the Annex after the Coffee Hour. Anne would appreciate everyone’s attendance who would like to be included in the discussion to finalize the preparations. The Parade will start at 10:00 a.m. rather than 9:00 a.m. We will meet at the Sarasota Bay Rec Hall at 9:30 a.m. There is no theme so just decorate your golf carts and bicycles any way you would like. There will be prizes for the best ones. Les Hall described the games that will be played inside the Hall. If you win a game, you will receive a ticket that you can put in the box to win a grand prize. Barbara Giachetti obtained about 10 certificates and cards to give as prizes for the raffles. The Golf Cart Rodeo will be at 3:00-4:30 p.m. The Dance will start at 5:00 p.m. There will food sold by the Activities Committee starting around 4:30 p.m. It will consist of Chicken & Sausage Gumbo, Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers, chips and a mystery dessert.
Activity report/update
Boating & Fishing Club-Carl Shaver stated that the winner of the $153.00 raffle ticket has been found. In order to make it fair, the One-Day Fishing Contest on March 5th will have winners for the men and the women. Therefore, the women won’t be competing against the men. There will be a Non-Awards Day Contest in March for anyone who hasn’t won. The prizes are 1st place $15.00, 2nd place $10.00 and 3rd place $5.00. This Friday is AED CPR Refresher Course. We are filled up. Our next meeting in March 3rd.
Woodshop-Mary Fox-They made about $1,000.00 on their raffle. They will be buying another machine with that money.
Craft & Hobby Shows-Jean Colson stated she would like to schedule the Shows for the first Saturday in December 2020 and February 2021.
Bayfest-Les Hall will be having a meeting in the Annex on February 27th at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the games.
Health Fair-Susan Miller-will be this Wednesday, February 26th at 9:00 a.m. until noon. The Bloodmobile will be here at the same time. Sign up sheets for the Bloodmobile are in the Paradise Bay and Sarasota Bay Rec Halls. If you didn’t sign up, you can still give blood. She encourages everyone to attend the Health Fair. There’s a lot of good information and everything is free.
Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller-the Fashion Show is this Thursday, February 27th at 1:00 p.m. We have sold 224 tickets. It’s being sponsored by Beall’s. We have distributed a little more than $3,000.00 to Bradenton area charities. She thanked everyone for supporting their fundraising efforts.
Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-Anne will be taking pictures of the different Activities and get names of the officers. We are doing interviews with people that have been here for 10-15 years. We have about 65 or 70. She would like to read one during one of the Coffee Hour. We have a lot of pictures that don’t have any dates. We plan to put some out on a table with a sheet of paper during Coffee Hour. We hope people will be able to write down who is in the pictures and when it was taken. We have been storing all the pictures on a hard drive.
Bocce-Jim Kleiner-The Fun Tournament was a big success.
Bible Study-Dan Smith-He said there has been more than 60 people attending. The next one on Thursday, February 27th will be at 9:00 a.m., in order to have enough time to set up for the Fashion Show. He, also, asked us to inform Pastor Al of any residents who have passed away in the past year. They will be remembered at the Memorial Service on March 8th. Anne has a list of some of the residents who have passed away. Several people gave her more names to add to the list.
Mary Fox asked for the decision to not allow Street Parties in the Hall due to inclement weather be reconsidered. There was a lot of discussion. Carl Kerr made a motion to allow Street Parties in the Hall due to inclement weather as long as there isn’t any other activity scheduled. Mary Fox seconded the motion. It passed with 21 in favor and 1 opposed.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Carl Shaver and seconded by Carl Kerr at 11:13 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki