Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of March 14, 2022 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Carl Kerr at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Dan Smith

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were: Carl Kerr: Co-President, Shana Simison: Vice President, Karen Rimatzki: Secretary, Wendy Graf: Treasurer, Donna Matteson: Board Assistant and 14 members.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed, posted on the bulletin board in the Paradise Bay Hall and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s Report: Wendy Graf reviewed the income and expenses. The available balance is $8,937.09. The report will stand as read.

Co-President’s Report: Carl K. thanked everyone for all their help during Bayfest. He said there were 346 meals served. There was hamburgers and hot dogs left over. They will be sold at Charlie’s Party. Also, some ice cream was left that was sold to Sarabay. There will be a meeting after this meeting to recap Bayfest. Anyone is welcome to stay for that meeting.

Vice President’s report: Shana commented that Bayfest was wonderful.

Old Business

New Business

Nominating Committee-There were no nominations for either Co-President(s) or Secretary. Carl K. will ask Jim G. to send an email asking for nominations for those positions.

No one has claimed one of the Grand Prize Baskets that was raffled off during Bayfest. Therefore, Bill N. drew one of the remaining green and white tickets. The number is 102425. Also, one of the Cash Raffle prizes of $107.00 has not been claimed so Bill N. drew a green ticket with the number 119460. The new ticket numbers will be posted and emailed. If no one claims either of those prizes by next week, there will be another ticket number(s) used. Bill N. drew 2 more tickets for each prize to be used, if necessary.


Committee reports/update

Dan Smith-asked about having a Good Friday service in Paradise Bay Rec Hall on April 15th at 6 p.m. Shana said the Hall is available and it would be fine. Also, he has been doing a Waterfront Worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. He asked if there is bad weather any Sunday morning at that time, could they go in the Hall. Shana said the Hall is available and it would be fine.

Water Aerobic-Jean Colson-There has been good attendance.

Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller said the Hot Dog Sale has been rescheduled for March 19th at 9 a.m.-1 p.m. All the profits will go to Ukrainian Relief. She presented a check for $250 as a donation from the Ladies Friendship Club.

Boating and Fishing Club-Chris Matteson-They held their elections. Larry Blank is the new President. George Mullen is the new Secretary.

Shuffleboard Club-Chris M.-They are doing fine.

Bingo-Joyce Nicholson-There have been more people attending. Last week, there were 152. We have extra people to help when needed. She presented a check for $325.00 from the Cash Awards from February.

Euchre-Mary Fox-Last week there were 4 tables. They’ll being playing until the 2nd week in April.

Pickleball-Melissa Coleman-They enjoyed helping at Bayfest but would have liked to have a little more explanation about their duties. She wasn’t clear on who was going to reimburse them for the total or partial cost of the Wind Screen they purchased. During the January 24, 2022 Activities Committee Meeting, Deb Rogers texted Randy Darr about the wind screen at the Pickleball courts. He said that the Board of Directors and Park will pay for all or part of the wind screen. Melissa said she would contact Randy D. about being reimbursed.

Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-We have been getting more stories. We are working on before and after pictures of units. We are still collecting pictures, etc.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Chris M and seconded by Donna M. at 10:55 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki