Activity Committee Minutes from 12/13/21
The meeting was called to order by Carl Kerr at 10 AM
Pledge of Allegiance was recited and prayer was said by Dan Smith.
Randy Darr addressed the committee saying that the Activity committee is the heart and soul of our community and is pleased to see all activities going on. Regarding the table and chair set up, the previous staff had 6-7 people, we only have 3 people now. Randy would like to have a volunteer coordinator for table and chair set ups for activities. He would also like to have someone put the trash out on Monday mornings from any weekend activities.
Randy would like to see bank accounts for individual clubs to be run by the Paradise Bay office. It is an inconvenience to have all parties on the account to go to the bank to do any business. The office Manager would maintain an individual spreadsheet for each activity. Betty Trader stated that this is the way it was done years ago and there was never a problem. The office will be ready after the first of the year to get this started.
Randy also stated that Debbie Rogers attends the Activity meetings to relay any concerns to the Board of Directors.
Wendy Graf gave the treasurers report, profit and loss, and gave a balance of $8,762.01. There has been $300 allocated to the electronic bulletin board and $500 allocated to the bean bag toss game. Carl Kerr made a motion to accept the treasurers report as read, Sally Seighman 2nd, motion passed.
Bayfront Flowers-Tom Colson says there were 8-9 people who showed up to plant geraniums and the watering schedule is complete.
Bible study-Dan Smith- starts January 6th and Dan will get volunteers to help do the table and chair set up. There is no offering taken at Bible study, Dan encourages all to attend.
Billboard- Carl Kerr says the electronic bulletin board has been ordered, they are just waiting on the permit. The office staff will be responsible for putting information on the new board.
Bingo-Joyce Farrington and Joyce Nicholson have taken over and the last two weeks have gone well. There were 73 people the week before last and 79 last week. The last 2 weeks, tables and chairs have not been set up. Bocce will be doing Hot Dogs and can help set up for Bingo.
Blood Mobile-Susan Miller–there were 19 donors at the blood mobile on Dec 4th. The next Blood Mobile will be February 23rd during the health fair. Flyers will be handed out beforehand.
Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller-Need help setting up round tables for January, February, March and possibly April meetings. Meeting starts at 1oclock. The lunch, bake sale and raffle took in $1,000.
Susan Miller is gathering a group of ladies who will volunteer to clean the kitchen probably in early January.
The stove does work. The gas needs to be turned on and pilot lights need to be lit. Debbie Rogers states she spoke to Susan Miller and they are looking to purchase a stove with an electronic ignition.
Blood Pressure-Alan Miller will be taking blood pressures in the Annex after each coffee hour.
Boat & Fish-Chris Matteson states fishing is slow. Bean & frank dinner is January 29th and tickets are being sold now. Coast guard will be here to do safety check on boats who want one.
Carl Kerr says Scotty Yates has taken over as dock master and will be changing the dates when dock payments are due and also looking into a Kayak launch.
Bocce-Carl Kerr says Jim Kleiner is in the park but no longer doing Bocce. There will be a Bocce meeting in the Annex December 15th at 10 am. As of now, Tom Billings and Carl Kerr have taken over. Once all teams are here, they will ask for nominations. Also looking at redoing the Bocce courts.
Book Club- Jinny Kiel passed away, Lori Jacobs will run the first meeting.
Pinochle-Susan Miller says they have about 6-8 people and would like more. Wednesdays at 6:30PM in the Annex.
There will be no Christmas Eve Open house this year. Instead, there will be Karaoke Dec.23rd and people will bring cookies as well as the Activity committee will buy some cookies and goodies. We will have coffee and punch.
Waterfront Church-Dan Smith says there are no offerings taken and just anyone who wants to come. There are anywhere from 20-80 people who attend. Dan will be gone for 3 weeks to spend time with family for the holidays.
Coffee-Sue Cassidy-The hosting schedule is on the back of the door in the kitchen. Betty Trader meets the donut delivery man and makes the coffee.
Crafts-Jean Colson-Sat December 4th there were 14 vendors. Jean says she had wonderful assistance from Linda Fortier who took care of the ads. Jean reported there was $200 raised from vendors and Jean gave $96 to the Activity Committee. Saturday, February 5th is the next craft bazaar.
Joyce Farrington- winning ticket for the Christmas dishes has until noon today to claim the prize and if not, another ticket will be drawn.
Dance- Debbie Greeves has dances scheduled February 5th, March 5th, March 25th, February 22nd and NYE bash. Jim Gath will be doing fireworks on NYE and there will be food trucks at each event. Also, if Activities wants to raise money, Debbie will provide music on Feb 14th and Feb 27th.
Decorations-Sally Seighman donated a large wreath. Lynn Kalman and Vera Niles will be decorating the tables for Christmas Dinner.
Entertainment-Darnel Darr-It has been challenging refunding tickets from last season and trying to resell tickets to previous holders. Working on a 4th waiting list. Darnel needs the back room by the stage cleaned out before Entertainment starts as this is the area for entertainers to change.
Fun Fitness-Darnel Darr says Thanksgiving week was down in attendance but just had 30 people show up on Saturday.
Karaoke-Darnel Darr-Has been a great success. From 6-9 PM and dates are also in the newsletter. We have Dec 28th, Jan 20, Feb 17, March 17th and a special Dec 23rd for Christmas, Cookies, punch and coffee will be provided.
Exercise will start Jan 7th
Golf League-meets Tuesday at noon at Ironwood golf course
Horseshoes-Tom Farrington- Friday 9am there are 6-7 guys, kind of slow this year.
Hot Dog sales-Carl Kerr-sold 63 last week. Encourage carry outs
Irish Dance-January 4th from 6-9pm
Library-Sue Cassidy states they sold books at the craft bazaar which gives money to buy more books.
Luminaries-Anita Cook 22 J if anyone has questions. Hobby Lobby and Dollar tree have candles, get supplies now and read the newsletter.
Mahjong-Wendy Graf-Fridays at 1 o’clock in the Annex
Name tags-Sue Cassidy- put an order in two weeks ago. Need to discuss name tags at coffee hour so more people will sign up to get them.
Newsletter-Turn in your articles on 34 6th street or southside of the rec hall and turn in by the 25th of the month.
Pancake-Jan 14th
Park Deco-Betty Trader- would like to get 1/8 inch plywood under the tree and deer to protect them from moisture. New lights are all solar. All are in favor of the lights blinking.
Pickleball-Darnel Darr says there is a new chair member, Melissa Coleman. The first meeting will be Jan 11th at 11am at SaraBay. Members pay $10 dues. Want to make members play only times. Monday thru Saturday 8am-11am. Can reserve times if you want to play with family.
Water Aerobics-Jean Colson states the Activity Committee gave them a shed to put pool noodles in, as more people attend, they will need more noodles.
Christmas Dinner-Darnel Darr states Ken Huizinga, Vera Niles and John & Lynn Kalman has 6 volunteers so far. Will be looking for more volunteers at Bocce meeting.
Shuffle board- Chris Matteson- new lights have been installed so every Friday evening will be doing Shuffle under the lights. Open 7am until dark. Going in front of the Board of Directors to ask for $7,500 to re-do the courts. Has $500 to put towards redoing the courts and would like to ask the Activity Committee to match that $500. Tournament is Jan 29th.
Bev Vanzin is requesting $300 to help purchase books. The Library is missing 82 Large print books, people are not returning books. After some discussion, Carl Kerr stated that the Activity Committee will discuss her request at the next meeting.
Darnel Darr made a motion to adjourn, Carl Kerr seconded
Respectfully submitted by Shana Simison
Our next meeting will be on Monday, December 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. in the Annex