Ladies Friendship Club Meeting Minutes

Date/Time:  2/14/24        1:00 PM                  Number attending:  54

Cathy Mullen welcomed new members and guests.

Prayer: Bunni C.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Lunch was served.

Secretary’s report:  The minutes of the last meeting were previously sent by email and passed out at the meeting.  There were no additions or corrections.  Wendy G. made a motion to approve the minutes.  It was seconded by Lori J.  It passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s report:  Joyce F. told us the profit from the Luncheon was $1,066, the donuts was $47, the Gift Baskets was $501 and the Bake Sale was $722.  Total profit was $2,334.  Our balance is $5,493.71.  Heidi K. made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report.  It was seconded by Jean C.  It passed unanimously.   

Old Business:

Hot Dog Sale:  We will be doing the Hot Dog Sale on Saturday, March 9th during the Park Wide Sale at Irene Halczak’s at 24 7th St..  Susan M. will be getting a $250 grant from Thrivent to buy the hot dogs.  Cathy M. passed around a sign-up sheet.

Team Reach App:  Cathy M. said to download the App and put in the code: TLFC.  She said she would send out an email with that information.

SOLVE Maternity Homes: Kathy, a representative, told us the organization began in 1976 by one woman to help women in crisis pregnancy.  There are now four properties; three are maternity homes, the fourth is a continuing program for women with their babies.  Most women have been through some type of trauma.  SOLVE is a program not a shelter.  They operate on private donations and some Corporate sponsors.  They, also, have volunteers.  Since 1976, there have been about 1,450 babies saved.  She had passed out literature about SOLVE.  Their website is  They are always looking for “Weekend House Moms”.

Valentine’s Day Flower Distribution: We distributed flowers to 29 people 90 years old and older, this morning.

New Business:

“Souper Bowl”: Cathy M. explained that John R. was collecting nonperishable items before and during the Super Bowl to be given to a local food bank.  The Boating & Fishing Club donated $100.  So Cathy thought we could maybe give a little more.  Donna M. made a motion to donate $101 to Hunger Ends Food Pantry.  It was seconded by Rosie K.  It passed unanimously.

Fashion Show: Joyce N. explained the “Spoof Style" Show and “Resale Shop Outfits” Show we had last year.  Some other ideas are a Karaoke Style, DIY Duct Tape, Holiday Style, or Decades.  The show is on March 21st.  Several ladies volunteered to help organize the Show.

Cathy M. thanked everyone who helped for the Luncheon on February 3rd.  She told us she went with Heidi and Susan to watch the Southeast High School Girls Basketball game.  We have supported their team, in the past.

There are flyers on the table with information about the Blood Mobile that will be here on February 22nd.

Cathy M. read a Thank You Card from SOLVE.  Cathy M. said that if you know an organization in the Bradenton area that would benefit from our donation, please bring their name and information to the next meeting.

Heidi K. told us she has been requesting blankets and hoodies during the Coffee Hours for the homeless people that come to Turning Points.  Also, she has been purchasing them herself from Goodwill.  Margie R. made a motion to give $400 to Heidi K. to purchase blankets and hoodies for the homeless people.  It was seconded by Donna M.  It passed unanimously.

Cathy M. said the kitchen needs to be cleaned.  She said she would look at the dates for the last week of February and discuss it with the Board then let everyone know.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 p.m. 

Next meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2024 at 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Rimatzki, Secretary