DECEMBER 8, 2021                     15 LADIES ATTENDING

Susan opened the meeting with prayer and a welcome to all “old” and new members. We had two ladies join us for the first time, Anita and Deb. Welcome ladies!

As always, we enjoyed a tasty potluck. What wonderful cooks we have in our club.

Since our secretary, Karen Rimatzki, is not in the park yet, we dispensed with the reading and approval of the minutes of the last meeting of March 10, 2021.

Treasurer’s report: Joyce Farrington reported that (before the craft bazaar) we had a balance of $1,012.61. In round numbers, we had a net of $555 from lunch, $124 from the raffle, $429 from bake sale and $69 from donuts. Current balance is $2,190.61.



Mark Your Calendar

We are on the park calendar for the second Wednesday of every month through April 2022 from 12:PM to 3:PM

The next craft show, lunch and bake sale will be February 5, 2022.

Our hot dog sale will be March 12, 2022 during the park wide garage sale.

The style show is tentatively set for Feb 17, 2022. Susan will check with Bealls and hopefully, we will be able to continue this fun activity.



At the January 12 meeting we will update our membership list. Also, if you have not paid your $5.00 dues, please bring it to the January meeting.

We are scheduled to serve at the December 20 coffee hour. Rosie, Wendy, Anita, Lynn, Susan and Heidy volunteered. Please be at the hall by 8:30 to put out place mats, napkins, etc.

The following ideas for raising money were suggested: a lottery, auction (at craft sale or Bayfest), t- shirts (Heidy will look into this), and possibly selling 50/50 tickets at the style show.

The club voted to give $500 to Meals on Wheels and they will receive a 100% match for all contributions made in December. Heidy was given $200 to purchase underwear for homeless women through Turning Points. It was suggested the we should give something to Paradise Bay. One suggestion was to replace some of the shrubs in front of the wall on the East side. Susan will check with the office and our landscape company to determine the feasibility of this idea. Another idea was to donate a bench on Bayview with a plaque saying that it is from the LFC.

SOLVE (an organization for unwed mothers who keep their babies) is another suggestion to give baby supplies. The Nicholson and Millers have, in the past, purchased diapers, formula, clothing and other supplies for this organization through Thrivent and in the name of LFC.

Members signed up to clean the kitchen, Susan will let us know the date and time.

Heidy will check with Turning Points to see if a tour of the facility can be arranged.

Meeting adjourned 2:50pm. Next meeting is January 12, 2022 at 1:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Heidy Kiess, Secretary pro tem


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