Ladies Friendship Club Meeting Minutes

Date/Time:   02/13/2019  1:00 pm      Number attending:   31

Meeting started with a Poem & Prayer by Sylvia Fenton, Chaplain, followed by lunch served

Minutes of last meeting accepted as posted

Treasurer’s report:      Was $2,550.69 to start this month, donation was made to Canine Companions as per the previous vote.  Phyllis Cook is taking membership dues today for those who have not paid yet.

All new members and/or guests were introduced and welcomed.

Old Business:

--The new can opener was purchased & installed in the kitchen. Due to a misunderstanding, the activity committee paid for it so we will reimburse them.  It was noted the opener has been used already and has not been cleaned properly, thus potentially impacting the life of the blade and the apread of bacteria.  It was recommended to place a sign in the area to instruct others to clean after every use.  Violet Anderson volunteered to take care of this.

--It was announced that all officers are at the end of their term and do not wish to repeat.  A nominating committee was appointed, consisting of Jean Colson, Karen Rimatzki, & Jeanette Picard.  They will report at the next meeting, where the club members will vote for new officers.

--A vote was taken and approved to donate $200.00 to the activity committee and $250.00 to the fire dept. for their scholarship fund, in honor of the fire fighters.

New Business:

--Hot Dog sale at the park-wide garage sale will be March 9 from 8am-12 noon at Sally’s house, 4-J.  Need help to cook and also need bake sale items.  We have had success in the past with items such as cookies, muffins, breakfast breads, etc.  Susan Miller is in charge, asking for volunteers, and would like to have a short meeting with volunteers after the club meeting today.

--Fashion Show is March 21 at 1:00 pm.  A signup sheet was sent around for fashion show models and 10 volunteers signed up, which is the limit.  Clothing will be from Christopher & Banks in Ellenton, and models will need to get together to schedule a trip there to pick outfits. 

--Heidi is gathering donations of small items for gift bags for the fashion show and asked for someone to take this task over.  Phyllis Cook volunteered so items for gift bags can be taken to her house before the event.

--Marianne Goerges volunteered to be in charge of the decorations for the fashion show.  She will ask for volunteers to help her.

--Heidi announced there will be punch & cookies as in the past and we are asking all members to make at least 2 dozen cookies. 

--It was recommended that when we bring a dish for the luncheon, we have a label if it contains items which are high risk allergies, i.e. nuts, seafood, onions.  In addition, we may want to label if your item is gluten-free or sugar-free.  There will be small tent cards and/or stickers available on the food table. 

--It was moved, seconded, and approved by the members present to raise our Ladies Friendship Club dues to $5, beginning with the 2019-2020 season. 

--Those who can stay after the meeting, we will be putting together move-in packs for the homeless veterans at Turning Points.  Hands are needed to help stay after today’s meeting.

Next meeting is Wednesday, March 13, 1:00 PM

Meeting adjourned at 2:22 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Nicholson, Secretary

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