Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of March 13, 2017 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:31 a.m.
Since Cindy Cole was the only nominee for Vice-Chairperson and Barbara Zorin the only nominee for Treasurer, they will assume those offices.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and stand approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s report was given by Phyllis Cook with a balance of $7,930. The proceeds from BayFest were $762. The Cash Awards balance is $5,469. There were no questions of the Treasurer’s Report.
Peggy N. stated that she asked Sarasota Bay to share the cost of the bleachers for Bocce. They said they would contribute approximately $256. Also, after we get the receipts for the two horseshoe pits, they will share in the cost of them.
Art Class-The Art Show will be on Sun., March 19th at 1-3p.m. at the Paradise Bay Rec. Hall. The signs advertising it are up.
BayFest-Lori Jacob-Bernie B. was the winner of the raffle with the ticket without a name. Lori stated that there was a lack of communications in several areas during the planning of BayFest, such as not getting the correct information in SaraBay’s newsletter, prospective volunteers calling to find out their assignments after emails were sent to them, tables and chairs not set up when scheduled. In order to coordinate BayFest next year, Lori needs 5-7 people to be on the committee with her. Jean Colson agreed to be on the committee. Lori will send out an email asking for more volunteers.
Bayfront Flowers-Tom Colson-thank you to everyone that watered. The flowers will stay up until Easter.
Cards(Euchre Monday Night)-Mary Fox-we will continue playing through March.
Cards(Pinochle)-Heidy Kiess-we will continue to play through most of April.
Clogging-Glenda Mattinen-we will continue until the end of March.
Decorations-Peggy N. stated that Lynn Kalman will be in charge of decorations.
Entertainment-Peggy N. said there is a possible replacement for Ken Huizinga but needs confirmation.
Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She passed out forms to be filled out to those present asking for when their activity started, its purpose, and pictures.
I-Pad Class-Joyce Nicholson-Dates were changed in March. She is willing to continue the class through April and will ask the attendees whether or not they would like to do that.
Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson-Joyce is here until May and is willing to continue the newsletter through the summer. It was stated that the year round residents do like getting it. Also, there are neighbors that get copies and deliver to the residents that do not have a computer.
Friendship Club-Heidy Kiess-Thirty four ladies attended the meeting last week. The Fashion Show was a success. We received a letter from a SaraBay resident saying how nice it was. During the two park wide sales, we sold 150 and 180 hot dogs, respectively. We donated $1,000 to HOPE, $500 to Southeast Guide Dogs, and $200 to the Fire Dept. Scholarship, $100 to Turning Point and $150 to Homeless Vets. Also, we filled 30 bags for the homeless.
Pancake Breakfast-Arlene Sharpsten-The pancake breakfast will be on Fri., March 17th at Paradise Bay Rec. Hall.
Registration-Phyllis Cook-The tickets are done for the Easter Dinner. They will be available at the next coffee hour.
Telephone Directory-Carol King-The directories have been distributed to each resident. If no one was home, a directory was not left. If anyone did not receive one, they are available in the office.
Robin Smith announced there will be a meeting on Wed., March 15th at 3 p.m. at Paradise Bay Rec. Hall for anyone interesting in playing Pickle Ball here. Everyone is welcome.
Dances-Mary Fox-Everyone had a good time at the Dance on March 4th. There are still tickets on sale for the Dance on March 25th.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Terry R. and seconded by Jean C. at 10:38 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary