Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of March 11, 2024

Carl Kerr called meeting to order 10:05 a.m.

Prayer was said by Donna Matteson

Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Present:  Carl Kerr: Co-President, Karen Rimatzki: Secretary, Donna Matteson: Board Assistant, Lee Stephens: Vice President Assistant and 17 others

Secretary’s report:  The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed and copies passed out.  There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s report:  Donna Matteson notified us that our balance as of March 7th is 11,331.60.  Carl Kerr informed us that there was a profit of about $600 from Bayfest which is not suppose to be a fundraiser.  It is just a fun event.  The report will stand as read.

Co-Presidents’ report:  Carl Kerr thanked the Ladies Friendship Club for cleaning the kitchen.

Vice President report:  Donna Matteson told us Shana Simison gave her the list for the Coffee Servers for next season which should be passed out to all the Activity Heads.

Old Business:

  1. Nominating Committee: The offices of Co-Presidents and Secretary are up for election this year. Each have a two-year term.  Jim Gath and Carl Kerr have accepted the nomination to be Co-Presidents for another term.  Debbie Freeman has accepted the nomination for Secretary.  Nominations will still be accepted at the next meeting March 25th before the election.

New Business:

Committee Reports:

Boating & Fishing Club:  Kevin Sullivan-They made a $500 donation to the Activities Committee.  He, also, explained how they are going through the necessary process to have a Kayak launch built.  George Mullen informed us the new Vice President is John Hopkins.  Their Fish Fry for members only is on March 22nd at noon.  They are hosting the Easter Dinner on March 31st at 1 p.m.; it is necessary to sign up.

Ladies Friendship Club: Cathy Mullen-Change of time for the next meeting on March 13th will be at 12 p.m. instead of 1 p.m.  There will be a guest speaker from the St. Joseph Food Pantry.  The Fashion Show will be on March 21st at 1-3 p.m.  Tickets are $5.

Bocce Club:  Tom Billings-They made a $500 donation to the Activities Committee.  This Wednesday, is the last scheduled games.  Next Monday, is the Bocce Tournament. There will a party for players and subs with their spouses on March 20th in the Rec Hall at 5 p.m.

Bingo:  Joyce Nicholson-They made a $306 donation to the Activities Committee.  Last Bingo will be on April 15th.

Pickleball Club:  Melissa Coleman-She introduced Caroline Mouawad as their new 2025 Chairperson.

SaraBay:  Kathy Ormiston-They are in the process of updating their contact list.  Also, they are working on the Calendar for next season.  In the future, we will probably sell tickets before some events to prevent exceeding the Hall fire safety limit.  The Epoxy Class was a huge hit so probably will do it next year.  The Mulligan Stew event will be on March 16th.

Euchre:  Mary Fox-They will still be playing until at least the end of the month.

Irish Dance: Debbie Freeman-She said there was Irish Dancers and George and Margie dancing at the luncheon during Bayfest.  She suggested to possibly add the Line Dancers, the Ukulele Group, and the Jam Session Group.  This would enable everyone to see the different groups and what they have to offer.

Shuffleboard Club: Chris Matteson-They had a big turn-out for their Pirate Night.  They made a profit of about $300.  Next year, it will be the Roaring 20s.  Wednesday, we will be electing officers.

Pancake Breakfast: Chris Matteson- He informed us it will be on Friday, March 15th.

Carl Kerr informed us the Music by the Bay on March 21st will be serving the food left from the Bayfest.  It will not be a pig roast.

Donna Matteson mentioned that before anything is thrown away in the kitchen or Hall, please find out who might be using it or who it belongs to.

 For any regularly scheduled Activity such as Bocce, Water Aerobics, Golf, Exercise, Lee Stephens needs to know the date the activity will be ending this season and the date it will resume next season.  Also, if there are any time changes, she needs to know.

Bayfest Recap:


Set-up:  More tables are needed outside the Hall/Annex for raffles, selling lunch tickets, etc.

Parade:  We had the most participants ever this year.  Which was great!  However, many people felt the vehicles were going too fast.  Therefore, everyone should go slower. Also, it was mentioned that the exhaust from the cars was affecting the bike riders.  Also, there was some discussion about going down Crepe Myrtle, twice.  Therefore, it was suggested to start at the Woodshop or have half the parade go up Buttonwood and half go up Seagrape then alternate vehicles going down Crepe Myrtle.    

It was decided that the Activities Committee will just purchase candy or another item to throw out their own golf cart; it will be up to each group or individual to throw out their own candy/items, if they want to.


Games:  Being in the Annex was much better than being by the Pool.

Luncheon:  Food choice this year was very good.  It was decided to scoop the ice cream in the cups and give a can of root beer instead of pouring the root beer in the cup which caused a lot of foam.

Basket Raffle:  It was suggested to list all the items contained in the Baskets.

Silent Auction:  They should be ready the night before.

Golf Cart Rodeo:  It was hard to hear the speaker.

Article in Newsletter:  Someone needs to submit an article with all the information.

Next year date:  Saturday, March 1, 2025


Theme:  Circus


MOTION TO ADJOURN made by George Mullen, 2nd by Ricky Baer, motion passed.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary

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