Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of February 12, 2024

Carl Kerr called meeting to order 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Donna Matteson

Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Present: Jim Gath, Carl Kerr, Shana Simison, Karen Rimatzki, Donna Matteson and 22 others

Secretary report:  The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed.  There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasury report:  Balance is $11,958.06.  The report will stand as read.

Co-Presidents’ report:  Jim Gath said the Italian Dinner was a huge success and will continue.  There were only 12 people at the Super Bowl Party so next year it will be done differently.  Carl Kerr told us there’s a form to request supplies for any event.  It should be filled out and submitted at least one week prior to the event.

Vice President report: none

Old Business:

  1. Rules: A draft of the revised Rules was emailed and copies distributed. Karen Rimatzki reviewed the proposed changes.  The revised Rules will be voted on at the next meeting.

New Business:

  1. Commercial Slicer: Carl Kerr told us he found out that during the clean-up of the Hall last year, the commercial slicer was donated to the Fire Dept. This was discovered the morning of the Italian Dinner, when it was needed to slice the meat.  Carl Kerr mentioned there are people who are trying to find one that we might purchase to replace it..    


Committee Reports:

Ladies Friendship Club: Cathy Mullen-next meeting is February 14th at 1 p.m.   A representative from SOLVE will be speaking about her organization.  That morning, we will assemble flowers in vases and distribute them with cards to 31 people 90 years and older.  The total profit from the Luncheon, Bake Sale, and Gift Basket Raffle was $2,334.

Craft Show: Jean Colson-It was an outstanding Show.  It isn’t a big money maker but we made the most money we ever have.  She presented $395 to the Activities Committee.  She has been in charge for 10 years and is giving up her position.  She is in the process of trying to find a replacement.  If anyone knows of someone interested, please let her know.

Christmas Dinner: Carl Kerr said we still need someone to be in charge.  If anyone would like to do that or knows someone, please notify an Activities Committee Executive Board Member.

Pickleball Club: Melissa Coleman-We have 125 members.  Our first event was a Pizza Party and we made some money from that.  We bought some equipment.  We are going to have a raffle.  The prize is the use of a six-person golf cart for one week with a value of $450.  Raffle tickets are one for $5 or five for $20.  The ticket will be drawn during the Annual Party on February 23rd.  Anyone can join their Team Reach App, the code is SBPC.

Health Fair: Susan Miller-The Blood Drive will be on February 22nd at 9 a.m.-3 p.m., she passed out flyers with information about how to make an appointment.  The Health Fair is from 9-12.   

Boating & Fishing Club:  Chris Matteson-There were about 480 tickets sold for the Frank & Bean Dinner, we made about $2,100.  Elections for officers will be at the next meeting in March.  There are about 220 members.  We got a new kayak trailer that is available to everyone.  At the next meeting, there will be an auction for a fishing trip.  You don’t need to be a Club member to attend a meeting.

Shuffleboard Club: Chris Matteson-just finished our tournament.  February 23rd is Pirate Night.

Bingo: Joyce Nicholson- There has been record crowds this year.  She presented $342 from January’s Cash Awards.  She mentioned they are having an issue with the computer.  She said she’ll find out if it can be fixed or if they will need a new one.

SaraBay: Kathy Ormiston-During their Coffee Hour, they had a Gold Timers Celebration for anyone married 50 years or more.  There were 29 couples.  There will be a Leap Year Dinner on February 29th at 4-6 p.m. for $7. 

Dances: Debbie Greeves-We will be hosting a band for Bayfest.  We added 4 extra events this year. 

Golf:  Jim Gath-meets at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays at Pinebrook Ironwood Golf Course.

Comments:  There was some discussion about who can send Email Blasts if Jim Gath is unable to.  It was decided that anyone wanting to send an Email Blast should send an email with the information to Jim Gath.  If he is not able to send the Email Blast at that time, he will forward to someone that is available.

Mary Fox would like to organize a Gold Timers Celebration for Paradise Bay for next year.      

MOTION TO ADJOURN made by Cathy Mullen, 2nd by Tom Billings, motion passed.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary 

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