Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of January 22, 2024

Carl K. called meeting to order 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Dan S.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Present: Jim G., Carl K., Shana S., Wendy G., Karen R., Donna M. and 21 others

Secretary report:  The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed.  There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasury report:  Balance as January 19th is $10,652.51.  The report will stand as read.

Co-Presidents’ report:  Carl K. stated there was in email blast sent about the Music by the Bay scheduled for Jan. 18th being cancelled.  He’s not aware of when it will be rescheduled but assumes an email blast will be sent out when it is.  Carl thanked Kathy S. for taking care of the flowers on Bayview.  Kathy S. said she has a calendar for the month of March for people to sign up to water for a week from Sunday to Sunday.  Carl mentioned that security is everyone’s business so if you see something that might be wrong, please call.  

Vice President report:  Shana S. thanked the Board for taking care of business in her absence.  She, also, thanked Lee for taking over the Calendar which is a huge job.

Old Business:

  1. Bayfest-There will be an organizational meeting after the next Activities Committee meeting February 12th. Carl K. stated that a sign-up sheet for volunteers will be passed around at the next Coffee Hour.
  2. Frank & Bean Dinner-will be on Saturday, Jan. 27th at 4-6 p.m. They are planning for 500 people and have sold about 400. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
  3. Christmas Dinner-looking for a new Chairperson. If anyone is interested, please contact an Activities Committee Executive Board member.

New Business:

  1. Memorial Service is on Sunday, January 28th at 6 p.m. at the Paradise Bay Rec Hall.
  2. Flowers on Valentine’s Day-Ladies Friendship Club will deliver to anyone 90 years old or older.

Committee Reports:

Ladies Friendship Club: Cathy M.-next meeting is February 14th at 1 p.m.  Our membership has increased by 12-14, this year.  All ladies are invited to join.  Our Luncheon, Bake Sale, and Gift Basket Raffle will be on Feb. 3rd.  She said they need items for the Bake Sale and desserts for the Luncheon which can be brought to the Paradise Bay Rec Hall on Fri., Feb. 2nd from 8 a.m-2 p.m. and Sat., Feb. 3 from 8-10:30 a.m.  The meal includes a pulled pork or chicken salad sandwich, chips, a drink and a dessert for $7.50.  We pass out Welcome Bags to new shareholders for the Activities Committee.  She told us they would like to put a pen, key chain, and/or a coffee mug in the Welcome Bag.  She did get some prices for those items.  She said that it would cost approximately $300 to place an order.  Cathy M. made a motion to buy pens and coffee mugs for the Welcome Bags not to exceed $350.  It was seconded by Donna M.  It passed unanimously.  It was, also, mentioned they are in need of items for the Gift Basket Raffle, especially ones that men would like.  They can be brought to Donna M. or Cathy M.

Boating & Fishing Club:  Chris M. told us “Fast Eddy” will be playing music during the Frank & Bean Dinner on January 27th.  Kim Hopkins and her sisters will be doing the dinner.  Boat inspections on Jan. 27th.  At their next meeting, they will have their new t-shirts.  Also, they will be auctioning off a boat trip.  They will be selling the new t-shirts for $25 at the Frank & Bean Dinner.

Shuffleboard Club: Chris M.-Shuffle Under the Stars has been very well attended.  The Amateur tournament will be on Monday, January 29th; sign up begins at 8 a.m.

Entertainment: Tom B.-On Wednesday, the committee will be going to preview shows for next year.

Bocce Club:  Tom B.-Despite the cold weather, it’s still going good.

Historical Committee:  Brenda O.-She read information about the Committee which will be in Newsletter.  She is looking for some people to take over.  She, also, read some information about the history of our Park.  There are copies of the History of our Park in the office.

Dance:  The Committee will be donating $900 to pay for Soul R Coaster playing the night of Bayfest from 5-8 p.m. so attendance is free.  The 88 Live food truck and Purple Bell Ice Cream truck will be serving.

Golf League:  Jim G.-Pinebrook Ironwood Golf Course, arrive at 11:30 a.m. to be put on a foursome.

SaraBay: Kathy O.-Memorial Service will be on February 19th

Comments:  John & Marla Rigby said they would like to start a “Souper Bowl” collection of cans and nonperishable foods for a local food pantry.  They will have containers at Paradise Bay, Sarasota Bay Rec Halls and their place at 16 H St. starting February 3rd until the Super Bowl.

MOTION TO ADJOURN made by Cathy M., 2nd by Wendy G., motion passed.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary 

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