Carl K. called meeting to order 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Donna M.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Present: Jim G., Carl K., Wendy G., and Donna M. and 19 others

Secretary report:  Motion made by Chris M. and seconded by Tom B. to approve last meeting minutes without change.

Treasury report:  Balance on hand is $11,140.00.

Co-Presidents report:  Carl brought up Coffee Hour servers, Wendy had signs and gave to clubs and one schedule is now posted in the kitchen.

OPEN HOUSE & Christmas Karaoke on Dec. 22 @ 6:30. Bring cookies to share and enjoy ALL your favorite Christmas Carols.

1st time SUPER BOWL PARTY at Helms House Feb. 11th.  New big screen TV to watch the game.  Bring finger food and drinks for fellowship and fun!

REORGANIZING: Supplies, decorations, etc. may have new homes. Carl will be relabeling cabinets, shelves, and hooks on all storage areas to help with waste and save time searching for things. He will make a master list and have it available.  A BIG thank you to all who helped in the clean-up of the storage areas.

Committee Reports:

   Boating/Fishing: ATTENTION ALL KAYAKERS, if interested, let our Board members know you would like the kayak launch project to go forward. There is also a need for a trailer to carry the kayaks to the water, the Club is working on this plan, also.  

   Shuffleboard: Had a great turnout for Shuffle Under The Stars, 8 of 10 courts filled and new people are always welcome to join our fun shuffle.

   Bocce: A meeting is scheduled for Jan. 2.  All current and new teams please attend this information meeting.  Regular season to start Jan. 10th.

Tom informed a price increase for hot dog sales, now $3.00 for a hot dog.

   Craft Show: Show was well attended and had 19 vendors. After expenses, profit of $375 (most ever) was given to Activities Board.  Thank you to Jean and helpers.

   Library:  Barb was requesting new shelves for more books. A suggestion to give $500 for library books and supplies, motioned by Tom and 2nd by Darnell was passed.

   Karaoke: An addition to the singing, this year, there will be a 50/50 drawing and prizes!

Please note; for CARD PLAYERS, on the 11th, Entertainment will be using the annex. Cards that night could possibly be scheduled for the Helms House.

   Pool:  Jean will be requesting money for supplies such as noodles and weights.

   Luminaries:  Let’s light up the park streets!  Residents get involved in the tradition of putting luminaries in driveways on Christmas Eve, some supplies are in the office. If neighbors are gone or unable to do this, put luminaries out for them.  Tis the season!

   Historical Committee:  Always looking for people to help, this is a good way to learn the history of PARADISE!

   Ladies Friendship Club:  Ladies luncheon this Wed.  Ladies new to the park are welcome to attend, come and see what the club is all about. Many activities to explore.

   Bingo:  Just getting started but will need more tables set up soon. Anyone interested in calling Bingo notify Joyce or Joyce.


Bulletin board needs to have heading changed to include SaraBay. Darnell offered to make the change. Thank you.

Kathy O.:  New Year tickets for dance at Sara Bay are still available. Sara Bay, New Years Eve from 4-6 p.m. will have hot dogs and salad outside on sale for $5.00.

Saturday, Jan.20th from 1-2 p.m. at Sara Bay there will be a DANCE DEMO. This is for a show of interest to learn different dances available for lessons. Sounds like fun!

MOTION TO ADJOURN made by Darnell, 2nd by Wendy motion passed.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 8, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted Donna M.  

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