Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of November 13, 2023 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Jim G. at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Dan Smith

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were: Jim G.: Co-President and 23 members

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed.  There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s Report:  Our balance is $12,089.72.  The report will stand as read. 

Co-President’s Report:  Jim G. stated that one of his objectives was to improve communications about the Activities taking place in the Park.  There are several places to find information about all the Activities in Paradise Bay and Sarasota Bay.  They are the electronic Board on the Paradise Bay Rec Hall, the Calendar inside the Paradise Bay Office, the Board on the Sarasota Bay Rec Hall, the Calendar in the Sarabay Rec Hall, the calendar in the monthly Newsletter and the Activity Calendar on the website.  Everyone is welcome to participate in both Sarabay and Parabay activities.  

The Florida Power and Light Co. would like to speak during a Coffee Hour.  Jim G. will contact them for more details then will discuss at the next meeting.       

Vice President’s report:  none

Old Business none

New Business

  1. Coffee Hour on Monday, January 1, 2024-Should we have one?
  2. Thanksgiving Day Dinner-Shuffleboard Club is hosting. There are a total of 22 tables; people have been assigned to 18 tables but they are not all full, yet.
  3. Christmas Day Dinner-Bocce Club is hosting.
  4. Activities Calendar on the most up to date information; Anyone with changes should contact Jim G. or Lee Stephens
  5. New Sound System (Golf Cart Rodeo, etc.)-It was hard to hear at the Golf Cart Rodeo. Should we purchase one?; if so, what type and how much? Dan Smith said he has a sound system that might work.  He will ask Scotty about it.


Committee reports/update

Entertainment-Darnell Darr-The season tickets have been sold.

Fun Fitness-Darnell Darr-The dates have been put on the Calendar.

Karaoke-Darnell Darr-We have a new machine and cd’s.  If anyone would like to use the new machine, please contact Darnell.  We will be doing a 50/50 drawing; the proceeds will be used to purchase new cd’s.  There will be a Christmas Karaoke during the Christmas Open House on Friday, December 22nd at 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Boating & Fishing Club-There was a question about possibly changing the day of the Music on the Bay for December and January because it was on the same day as the Fishing Tournament.  Due to the scheduling of other activities, it was decided there isn’t another day available for the Music on the Bay.  There are 86 members involved in Kayaking.  They would like to have a Kayak Launch that would cost approximately $10,000.  They need to determine a location, develop a design, obtain any necessary permits and find out how to pay for it.  He, also, stated they would like a trailer for the kayaks.  Jim told him to submit a request to the Activities Committee.

Dance-Information is on the bulletin boards in both Rec Halls and in the December Newsletter.  The people on the wait list are being contacted.  If you don’t receive a call by mid-December, the tickets are sold out.  There will be 4 music events available to everyone on a first come first served basis.

Craft Show-Jean Colson-It will be on Saturday, December 2nd.  We will have more vendors this year.

Water Aerobics-Jean Colson-The 9:00 a.m. class is going fine.  We haven’t started a 10:00 a.m. class, yet. We need enough people to attend and someone willing to put away the equipment.

Waterfront Worship-Dan Smith-It will begin the Sunday after Thanksgiving at 10:00 a.m.

Bayfront Flowers-Tom Colson-He told us that Kathy Sparks is in charge, now.

Shuffleboard-Chris Matteson-It’s open every day at 12:30 p.m.

Bocce Club-Jim G. said Tom Billings told him that if anyone would like to play, they can go on Wednesday mornings until the official schedule starts.

Ladies Friendship Club-Joyce N.-During the Craft Show on Saturday, December 2nd will be the Luncheon at 11 a.m.-1 p.m., the Bake Sale at 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and Blood Mobile at 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Randy Darr informed us the storage room by the stage has been cleaned up with the old decorations thrown away.  He indicated that items were removed from the lockers and put in the Hall to see if they belong to anyone.  If no one claims them, anyone else could have them.  There will be a new cabinet for the Boating and Fishing Club.  The Rec Hall has been painted, the floor done, and the bulletin boards have been redone.  There are plastic clips on the windows to be used for flyers instead of taping them to the window.  Any items in the Annex closet that aren’t being used, should be removed.    

With no objections, Jim G. adjourned the meeting at 11 a.m.

Our next meeting is Monday, November 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki (from recording by George Mullen)

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