Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of March 13, 2023 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Carl K. at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Donna M.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were: Carl K.: Co-President, Shana Simison: Vice President, Wendy Graf: Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki: Secretary, Donna Matteson: Board Assistant and 17 members

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed, posted in the Rec Hall and passed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s Report: Wendy closed the bank account and transferred the remaining balance to the Office. Our balance is 12,012.45 but there are several outstanding transactions. The profit from Bayfest was $1,862.46. The report will stand as read.

Co-President’s Report: Carl K. thanked everyone for their help during Bayfest. There were 287 meals sold. Bocce Club is donating $500. Shuffleboard is donating $100.   

Vice President’s report: no report

Old Business.

  1. Rules: There were several changes made to the Rules dated March 22, 2021. They were presented at the last meeting. The revised Rules were emailed to the members and copies were available at the meeting. A motion to approve the revised Rules was made by Chris M. and seconded by Sue C. It passed unanimously. Karen will submit the signed Rules to the Office.
  2. Bayfest: Carl K. said there were 43 businesses that contributed. Thank you letters will be distributed to them.
  3. Nominating Committee: An email blast was sent out asking for nominations for Vice President and Treasurer. There have been no new nominations. Carl K. and Marilyn M. are on the Nominating Committee. Shana S. has agreed to continue as Vice President for another term. Wendy G. has agreed to continue as Treasurer for another term. The Elections will be at our last meeting in March.

New Business

  1. Rule changes for the Golf Cart Rodeo (Jim G.) This will be tabled.


Committee reports/update

Bingo-Joyce N. donated $367 from Cash Awards.

Shuffleboard-Chris M.-We had our Strawberry Social with almost 50 people attending.

Boat & Fishing Club-Chris M.-Fish Luncheon on March 24th at 12 for members only. Easter dinner will be at 1 p.m.

Ladies Friendship Club-Susan M.-We sold 442 hot dogs at the Hot Dog Sale during the Park Wide Sale. Our profit was approximately $1,500. The Fashion Show will be on March 23rd. Over the last 4 years, we have donated over $8,000 locally.  

Health Fair-Susan M.-The blood drive had 28 donations, 8 more than the last time. There were a lot of people attending the Health Fair so we will probably have it next year.

Art Class-Marilyn M.-the Art Show will be on Sunday, March 19th at 1-3 the Paradise Bay Rec Hall; refreshments will be served.

Historical Committee: Brenda O.- She thanked Peggy B. for her assistance this year.

SaraBay-Kathy O.-We are updating our 2024 Calendar with Shana S. They have decided to increase the price of their Pancake Breakfast from $3.50 to $4.50. Our Ice Cream Social will increase from $5 to $6 for next year.

Sue C. asked for clothing donations that she distributes to various organizations in the area.

Mary F. is in the process of working on a Pictorial Directory for next season.

Joyce N. will do a presentation about the Activities Calendar at the next Coffee Hour.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sue C. and seconded by Brenda O. at 10:43 a.m.

Our next meeting is Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki


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