Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of February 13, 2023 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Carl K. at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Carl K.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were: Jim Gath: Co-President, Carl K.: Co-President, Shana Simison: Vice President, Wendy Graf: Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki: Secretary, Donna Matteson: Board Assistant and 22 members

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed, posted in the Rec Hall and passed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s Report: Our balance is $9,797.87. The Paradise Bay Office is managing our account, now, so we will have insurance coverage. If anyone needs money for the weekend, please request it by Thursday. The report will stand as read.

Co-President’s Report: Jim G. said he requested additional information from the people who would like a Golf Simulator but hasn’t been given any details. He said there still is a potential of having one. Carl K. told us that Randy D. requested volunteers to sign up to cover the pool but Jim G. stated he didn’t think it was a problem. Carl K. mentioned that the Hot Dog Sale and Bingo is tonight. Carl K. said that security is everyone’s business and asked us to remind our neighbors. If you see something, please report it to the Office or one of the Board members. Jim G. said he would send out an email blast with the Security’s phone number.   

Vice President’s report:   Shana said she is working on next season’s Calendar and asked people to let her know their dates for next season.

Old Business

  1. Bayfest: Organizational meeting will be on February 13th after the Activities Committee meeting.
  2. Rules: Need to revise, then present at a future meeting for discussion.
  3. Italian Dinner was on February 11th: Donna M. said she had a lot of help. She really appreciated all the people who helped. She said it went very well. Sue C. thanked everyone who cleaned the kitchen.

New Business


Committee reports/update

Ladies Friendship Club-Susan M.-We will be distributing flowers and Valentines to 27 people who are 90 years old and older in ParaBay and SaraBay, tomorrow. There will be a Fashion Show on March 23rd at 1 p.m. The Welcoming Committee will visit the new shareholders with an insulated bag full of information about the activities, etc. Also, they will offer a golf cart tour of the area. During the Season, each month 2 people will visit the new shareholders. Sue C. said she would visit the new shareholders during the summer. A $250 check was presented to Activities Committee. American Pride and Cancer Awareness Bracelets will be sold for $5 at the Coffee Hours.  

Health Fair-Susan M.-It will be on February 23rd at 9-12 in the Paradise Bay Rec Hall. The Blood Mobile will be there at 9-2.

Bingo-Joyce N.-We have had pretty good crowds. She presented a letter stating $327 will be transferred to the Activities Committee from January Cash Awards.

Boating and Fishing Club-George M.-Frank & Bean Dinner is February 25th at 4-6 p.m. Anyone who is selling tickets please turn in any money and continue selling tickets. The CPR/AED Class was cancelled because the Fire Dept. was short staffed. The Coast Guard training class went very well. Chris M. mentioned there are 40 people signed up to the Kayaking Club being managed by Kevin. Scotty Y. is working on the Kayak launch to get approval, no specific spot, yet. He said there’s an area that they will clean up for the kayakers. Also, he cautioned people not to invite people from outside the park to kayak. The next meeting and Chili Luncheon is February 28th at 11:00 a.m. instead of the first Tuesday of the March. There will an Auction during the meeting.  

Shuffleboard-Chris M.-The State Amateur Tournament was very successful. Shuffling Under the Stars has been extremely well attended. There is room for 40 people to play and 56 people were there. If you would like to play, please come early. There will be an Inner Park Shuffleboard Tournament on March 3rd. Anyone who is interested, please sign up at the Clubhouse.  

Bocce-Tom B.-They have been getting bids for the work that needs to be done on the courts. They are doing very well financially and would like to donate to the Activities Committee but need to determine how much they need to pay for the work on the courts.

Pickleball-Melissa C.-The Annual Party is February 24th.

Water Aerobics-Jean C.-It’s going very well. There will be an in-person instructor doing the class, occasionally. Her name is Peggy Price. A notice will be sent out about when she will be doing the class.

Craft Show-Jean C.-It was on February 4th. She thought it was the biggest and best one we ever had. She presented $275 to the Activities Committee.

SaraBay-Kathy O.-She’s coordinating with Shana S. confirming the Activities for the 2024 Calendar. Tickets for the March 10th Dance are on sale for $10 each. Ice Cream Social is next Tuesday, tickets at the door for $5; Ukulele Group is the entertainment.

Woodshop-Wendy G.-Tickets on sale for various items at the Coffee Hour.

Jim G. told us there will be a Street Party at 17 4th Street on March 2nd at 1-4 p.m. Smoked Brisket will be served, please bring a dish to share. Everyone is invited.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Chris M. and seconded by Sue C. at 10:45 a.m.

Our next meeting is Monday, February 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki


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