Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of March 22, 2021 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Shana Simison at 10:00 a.m.

Present 17: Anne Osgood-President, Shana Simison-Vice President, Wendy Graf-Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki-Secretary, Donna Matteson-Board Assistant, Barbara Giacchetti-Exercise Class, Mary Jane Clark-Shuffleboard, Tom Farrington-Horseshoes, Carl Kerr-Bocce Club, Tom Colson-Bayfront Flowers, Dan Smith-Bible Study, Jean Colson-Craft & Hobby Shows, Debbie & Dave Greeves-Dances, Jim Gath-Golf League, Brenda Ocenasek-Historical Committee, and Sue Cassidy-Kitchen Supplies.

Secretary’s report was given by Karen Rimatzki. The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The bank balance is $10,292.19. There was no activity since our last meeting. The report will stand as read.

President’s report-Anne Osgood-She officially resigned as President. She has enjoyed serving as President. It’s been a great experience but now she’s serving on the Board of Directors.

Vice President’s report-Shana Simison-She thanked Anne O. for serving on the Executive Board and all her hard work. Randy Darr has approved 20 people to attend meetings in the Hall. The Musical Sing Along on March 25th has been cancelled.


Old Business

Vote on revised Rules-Shana S. mentioned that we had reviewed the revised Rules at our last meeting and asked if there were any questions. There were none. There was a motion to approve the revised Rules as written by Tom F. and seconded by Carl K. It passed with a unanimous voice vote.

New Business

Election of Co-Presidents-Jim Gath and Carl Kerr have been nominated to be Co-Presidents. They have accepted. Everyone voted for Jim G. and Carl K. to be Co-Presidents.

Activity report/update

Dances-Debbie Greeves-There were no dances this year. The first dance for next season will be in early February. The Food Truck that was here on March 13th served 227.

Bible Study-Dan Smith-We’ve been meeting at the Carport, averaging 18-20 people. He appreciates the use of the sound system. It has been very helpful. We plan to meet in the Rec Hall this Thursday. Since last Easter, he has been doing a Sunday church service at 10 a.m. by the waterfront because some people didn’t feel comfortable going to Church during the pandemic. He will continue to do that until this Easter.

Bayfront Flowers-Tom Colson-He has people who are watering the geraniums along Bayview until May 1st. He plans to take them down May 2nd. There are 8 pots that need to be replanted with new dirt, fertilizer, etc. at a cost of $40-50 each. This would be the first year we have replanted them for a long time. A motion to spend up to $400 to replant the pots at the Hall, RV Park, and office was made by Brenda O. and seconded by Sue C. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She is still asking for pictures of all activities from this year or any past years. She’s able to accept digital ones.

Shuffleboard-Mary Jane Clark-This Wednesday, March 25th at 7:30 p.m. there will be a special event at the Shuffleboard Court called Thanks for the Memories. It is a tribute to Fast Eddy. It’s his last year in the park. He will be playing the keyboard. Everyone is welcome.

Craft Shows-Jean Colson-There were no Craft Shows this year. We plan to have Craft Shows next season, the first Saturdays in December 2021 and February 2022. The Ladies Friendship Club will be having meals at both. If you know anyone who would like to participate in our Craft Show, please give them Jean’s name or give her their name and she will call them.

Golf League-Jim Gath-We play at Pinebrook Ironwood on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. During the season we average about 20 people a week; in November & December about 10.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Wendy G. and seconded by Barbara G. at 10:32 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki

Our next meeting is November 10, 2021 at 10 a.m.