Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of February 8, 2021 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Dan Smith.

Present 16: Anne Osgood-President, Shana Simison-Vice President, Wendy Graf-Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki-Secretary, Donna Matteson-Board Assistant, Barbara Giacchetti-Exercise Class, Brenda Ocenasek-Historical Committee, Dan Smith-Bible Study, Mary Jane Clark-Shuffleboard, Tom Farrington-Horseshoes, Boating & Fishing Club-Rick Plite, Bocce Club-Carl Kerr, Book Club-Jinny Kiel, Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson, Art Class-Marilyn Morrisey, Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller

The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting.  There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf.  The bank balance is $10,658.97.  The report will stand as read.

President’s report-Anne Osgood-the Annual Shareholders Meeting will be on February 16th at the Shuffleboard Court.  Chairs will be provided.  Anyone who would like to attend the meeting will be required to register in advance.  Registration will take place from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Carport behind the Office on Feb. 16.  Each person who registers will receive an armband which is needed for entry into the meeting.  There are two proxies that need to submitted this year.  They were sent out in separate mailings.  As of Friday, there were 83 Proxies submitted.  We need more to have a quorum which is over 300.  So please submit your Proxies.  Obtaining an Electronic Bulletin Board has not been decided.  After the election of the Board of Directors, it will need to be addressed.

Vice President’s report-Shana Simison-no report

Old Business:

Pool Sign Up Sheet-No one has signed up to volunteer to cover pool for the last two weeks in February. 

New Business:

Nominating Committee-the Committee will search for nominees for the election of Vice President and Treasurer.  Brenda O., Carl K., Barbara G., and Marilyn M. agreed to be on the Nominating Committee. A slate of Nominees will be presented at the next meeting on March 8th.  Shana and Wendy have agreed to continue in those positions.

Activity report/update:

Blood Mobile-Susan Miller-Blood Mobile will be here February 24th at 9 a.m.-1 p.m.  Anyone who would like to donate blood, please call the phone number on the flyer to sign up.  She had several flyers with all the information to pass out. 

Ladies Friendship Club-Susan Miller-The Ladies Friendship Club has not been meeting in an excess of precautions with Covid.  We are hoping to meet in March.  We are in the process of sending a letter to all the members to decide how we will distribute the money we have to donate this year.

Boating & Fishing Club-Rick Plite-the Executive Board met in November and decided to continue the monthly fishing contests for December-March.  We conducted a meeting in January with 50 participants.  Coast Guard inspected 21 boats last Thursday.

Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She would like to remind people to give pictures and other items from Paradise Bay activities, etc. to their Committee.  She would like someone from the Sarabay RV Park to join their Committee.  If anyone is interested, please contact her.

Art Class-Marilyn Morrisey-We haven’t been meeting.  We plan to have a sale of items during the Parkwide Sale on March 13th.  There will be signs with information of our location.

Shuffleboard-Mary Jane Clark-We are offering free lessons.  The information is posted on the board at the Shuffleboard Court.

Blanket Angels-Wendy Graf read a letter from Jo Wagner.  It stated that they make warm fleece blankets for Vets and a shelter for the abused and homeless.  They depend on donations from individuals from both parks.  The contact with individuals is not the same this year. They make 70 blankets at a cost of $18-20 a blanket.  Therefore, they are requesting a donation from the Activities Committee or anyone else.  Anne said we will donate $200 like we did last year.

Book Club-Jinny Kiel-We will meet on Tuesday, February 9th at 1 p.m. at 20 Bayview in the carport.  We will be discussing The Great Alone.  We will meet again on Tuesday, March 9th to discuss The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.

Bocce Club-Carl Kerr-The Courts are open.  There are balls available to play.  If you would like to use any other balls, you can contact a member.

Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson-There have been a lot of changes this year with the activities.  If you would like your activity in the Newsletter or on the Calendar, please let Joyce know.

Sunshine Club-Donna Matteson-If you know of anyone that is 90 years or older, please let her know.  They will send a bouquet of flowers and a card for Valentine’s Day.

Exercise Class-Barbara Giacchetti-We are back in the Hall.

Entertainment-Anne Osgood mentioned that the Committee is in the process of booking the acts for next season.

Anne O. mentioned that there will be 10 more chairs in the pool area.


Anne O. adjourned the meeting at 10:36 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki

Our next meeting is March 8, 2021 at 10 a.m. at the Carport