Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of January 18, 2021 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer was said by Dan Smith.

Present 11: Anne Osgood-President, Shana Simison-Vice President, Wendy Graf-Treasurer, Karen Rimatzki-Secretary, Donna Matteson-Board Assistant, Barbara Giacchetti-Exercise Class, Brenda Ocenasek-Historical Committee, Dan Smith-Bible Study, Mary Jane Clark-Shuffleboard, Robin Smith-Pickle Ball, Tom Farrington-Horseshoes

The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting.  There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf.  The bank balance is $10,658.97.  The report will stand as read.  Annual Financial Reports are due January 24.

President’s report-Anne Osgood-She introduced our new Board Assistant, Donna Matteson.  We are very happy to have her.  The Executive Board members visited the new residents at 15 houses and invited them to the Coffee Hour on January 11th.  They were given a packet of information about the activities.  Eight of the new residents did attend the Coffee Hour and introduced themselves.  This Coffee Hour replaced the Welcome Reception, this year.  Many of the Activity leaders spoke about their group and updated us on their plans for this year.  Anne said it went very well and thanks everyone who spoke.  Meet the Candidates will be January 25th at 10 a.m. at the Carport.  Christmas Eve Sing-Along was well attended and everyone enjoyed it.  There will be a Musical Sing-Along Soiree’ on January 21st at 3-5 p.m. at the Carport.

Vice President’s report-Shana Simison-The Dances that were scheduled for March 6 and 19 have been cancelled.  She reminded everyone about the guidelines to follow when conducting any activities; no more than 10 people indoors and 50 people outdoors, stay at least 6 ft. apart and wear a mask.

Old Business

Pool Sign Up Sheet-No one has signed up to volunteer to cover pool.  If no one agrees to cover the pool at night, the pool will be covered at 4 p.m.

Electronic Bulletin Board-The Activities Committee approved to pay for half of the Electronic Bulletin Board.  However, due to the changes in the Board of Directors, nothing has been done about getting the new board so it is still pending.

Memorial Service-will be March 21st.  Anne requested the names of anyone who has passed away since the last Memorial Service to be sent to any of the Executive Board members.

New Business

Exercise Class-Barbara Giacchetti-the class is being held at the Shuffleboard Courts on M-W-F at 8:30 because more than 10 people are attending.

Musical Sing-Along Soiree’-Thursday, January 21st at 3-5 p.m. at the Carport

Activities Committee meetings- at the next meeting on February 8th, a Nominating Committee will be appointed to find nominees to run for Vice President and Treasurer which are up for election this year.  The Nominating Committee will present those nominees at the following meeting on March 8th.  Shana has agreed to continue as Vice President and Wendy has agreed to continue as Treasurer for another term.  Therefore, if there are no new nominees presented at the March 8th meeting, it will not be necessary to conduct a meeting on March 22nd for the election.  In that case, there will not be a March 22nd meeting.

Activity report/update

Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She would like to remind people to give pictures and other items from Paradise Bay activities, etc. to their Committee.  They can make copies of any materials, if you would like them returned.

Sunshine Club-Wendy Graf reported that in February, they send flowers and cards to anyone that is 90 or older.  If you know anyone of that age, please send their name and address to her or Donna Matteson.  Donna, also, mentioned that they send cards for birthdays, illnesses, hospitalizations, encouragement, etc. to help lift people’s spirits.  If you know of anyone who they should send a card, please let them know.

Woodshop-Wendy Graf reported they are still accepting members for a fee.  You may join by going to the Woodshop in the morning and speaking to one of the officers.

Shuffleboard-Mary Jane Clark-She would like to have information about Shuffleboard put on the SaraBay bulletin board.  Shana will let Jane Hasek know to put it on.

Bible Study-Dan Smith-We got off to a great start last week for Bible Study at the Carport.  Sunday mornings, we meet at the waterfront for a Service, if the temperature or wind chill is above 55.  Bible Study is on Thursday at 10 a.m. at the Carport.  Sunday morning service is at 10 a.m. at the waterfront.

Pickleball-Robin Smith-we are cleaning all the equipment and practicing social distancing.  Anyone is welcome. We haven’t started lessons because of covid.

Horseshoes-Tom Farrington-Everyone is welcome to play on Fridays at 9 a.m.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Wendy Graf and seconded by Brenda Ocenasek at 10:38 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki

Our next meeting is February 8, 2021 at 10 a.m. at the Carport