Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of March 9, 2020 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 10:04 a.m.

Prayer was said by Dan Smith.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were: Anne Osgood, President, Shana Simison, Vice President, Wendy Graf, Treasurer and Karen Rimatzki, Secretary plus 23 other members.

The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The bank balance is $10,739.91. The report will stand as read.

President’s report-Anne Osgood asked if there are any nominations for the President or Secretary for the election on March 23rd. There were no nominations. Therefore, Anne asked the members in attendance to vote on whether or not to keep the present President and Secretary. Everyone voted to keep Anne Osgood as President and Karen Rimatzki as Secretary for another term. Anne thanked all the volunteers for all their help at Bayfest.

Vice President’s report-Shana Simison thanked everyone for selling tickets for Bayfest and keeping her informed on the number of tickets sold, then returning the money. It was unfortunate that we ran out of some food at Bayfest. We will be better prepared next year to know the amount of food to buy. She is scheduling the activities for next season and would like everyone to contact her with their dates as soon as possible. Any of the weekly and daily activities will remain the same.

Old Business

Luminaires jugs-Anne O. and Anita Cook have stored the jugs in the laundry storage room.

New Business

Rules-A draft of the Rules with proposed revisions was emailed to members and copies passed out at the meeting. There were several questions and comments. Anne O. read and explained the proposed changes. There were some changes made to the revisions. Also, additional revisions to the Rules were proposed. Therefore, a revised draft with all the changes will be made and emailed to the members before the March 23rd meeting. The revised Rules will be voted on at that meeting.


Activity report/update

Easter Dinner-Susan Miller-It is on April 12th. The Boating & Fishing Club will be sponsoring the dinner. However, since it is after the end of March, a lot of people will have all ready left for the season. Therefore, more volunteers will be needed. She has a sign-up sheet for the various jobs, so please contact her.

Some people have asked Anne O. about having a Coffee Hour on the 5th Monday of the month. She asked the members in attendance who would like a Coffee Hour on the 5th Monday of the month. Everyone voted no.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Carl Shaver and seconded by Wendy Graff at 11:16 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki