Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of February 10, 2020 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Anne Osgood at 9:59 a.m.

Prayer was said by Carl Shaver.

Anne stated that a suggestion had been made to eliminate reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to help save time in their meetings. After some discussion, it was decided to keep the Pledge of Allegiance on the Agenda. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were: Anne Osgood, President, Shana Simison, Vice President, Wendy Graf, Treasurer and Carol King taking minutes for Secretary Karen Rimatzki

The minutes of the last meeting were posted and copies handed out at meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted.

President’s report-Anne stated that she would like to keep meetings to the allotted hour. Since the exercise class is growing in attendance, they have requested to meet in the hall instead of the Annex. Therefore the Activity Meetings will once again, be held in the Annex instead of the hall.

Vice President’s report- Since Shana was unable to speak because of laryngitis, Anne reminded everyone that Shana Simison is now Vice President. Shana will be doing all future reservations and the calendar, so please call her not Anne. Also suggested that if possible it would be a good idea to try to reserve activities for next season as space is filling up quickly.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. Dated 1/27/20 through 2/9/20. Copies were also handed out at meeting. The bank balance is $9,288.54. The report will stand as read.

Old Business

Anita Cook is still looking for a place to store the empty gallon jugs used for Luminaries for next Christmas. Randy Darr suggested there was storage at the laundry room. Anita and Anne said they would get together, before March 5 to get this done. Sue Miller has a key.

New Business

BayFest will be on March 7 this year.

Les Hall would like to bring games back this year and suggested having them in the Rec Hall. A lot of discussion on subject. Jim Gath said that at past BayFest all games were managed by each club. Food was in pool parking lot along with games. Problem is BayFest is a large undertaking and they need an organizer and many volunteers which is hard to come by. Currently the Parade is set for 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be at 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 with Pickle Ball & Bocce clubs help. Golf Cart Rodeo is set for 3:00-4:30 p.m. Since Jim Gath will be away, he has met with Wayne H– no registration required – just show up. Outside Dance at 5-8 p.m. with the SoulRCoasters. Peggy Neely suggested to order BayFest tickets for food since time is getting short. Les needs volunteers. Tents from past BayFest no longer have canvass tops but we do have framework. Anne suggests a “BayFest Committee” meeting since this discussion was time consuming. Marilyn Morrisey and Barbara Giacchetti volunteered to meet with Les and Anne to organize the games.

Activity report/update

Historical Committee-Darlene Sanborn reporting for Brenda Ocenasek, asked for old pictures/articles of park and RV park for the Historical Committee. She also announced that Anne Osgood has offered to take pictures for current committee activities.

Travelaires-Anita Cook reporting for Sue Miller said she will be giving out free tickets on March 11, 12 and 13 for the Travelaires show. Theme will be transportation – songs about trains, planes and automobiles. Sue Miller needs volunteers to help with show.

Exercise-Barbara Giachetti reported that she discovered 2 stove pilots were out in the kitchen and that the smell was very bad. It is important people be made aware of this problem to correct it. Anne said she will notify the office.

Golf League-Jim Gath. Twenty more people signed up for Tuesday golf league at Pinebrook-Ironwood. Also announced there will be a street party on Thursday, February 20 at 4th Street at 2:00 p.m. Live music will be provided. Bring food, chair, and money for tipping the band.

Art Class-Marilyn Morrisey stated Art Show will be March 22.  

Bible Study-Dan Smith thanked everyone involved in their move to the big Hall. Attendance has increased thanks to larger space, bulletin board notice, mics/sound system and large screen tv. He doesn’t mind if there are people in kitchen during his service.

Pancake Breakfast-Arlene Sharpsten - Pancake breakfast will be held Friday, February 21, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.

Trivia Challenge-Gerry Estabrook reported that there are only 4 teams (16 people) signed up for Trivia. There seems to be no interest and feels that it should not continue.  Wants to cancel Tuesday, February 25 Trivia Challenge.

Ladies Friendship Club-Fashion Show-Joyce Farrington reporting for Susan Miller. Paradise Bay and Sarasota Bay are co-sponsoring a Fashion Show on Thursday, February 27th at 1:00 p.m. Over 200 people have bought tickets so far. Lots of interest.

Craft & Hobby Shows-Joyce Farrington reporting for Jean Colson. There were 23 vendors at the Craft & Hobby Shows. It was a great success with lots of good feedback. Jean collected $255.00 and gave the Activities Committee $236.00.

Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson deadline for Newsletter is February 25

Book Club-Jinny Kiel next meeting will be 1:00 Tuesday, February the PB Rec Hall Annex. They will be reading “Educated” and welcomes anyone to join. They will continue to meet the second Tuesday through March.

Bocce Club-Jim Kleiner reports that they will be having a Fun Tournament on Tuesday, February 11. Season is half over and they are having a good time and turnout

Boating & Fishing Club-Carl Shaver reports he still has winning ticket of $153.00 which no one has claimed. If not claimed by next meeting, March 3, the money will be donated to a worthy cause. The next Luncheon is a Fish Fry Dinner on March 27th. The club continues to get new members.

Health Fair & Blood Mobile-Rainy Dula reported Blood Mobile will be in front of PBE Rec Hall on Wednesday, February 26th, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. during the Health Fair.   Rainy encourages all to sign up to give blood. The Sheriff’s department will be present collecting old pills and give instructions on how to destroy them. Susan Miller will be taking over for Rainy next year in organizing these activities since it has become difficult for Rainy to continue.

Randy Darr, standing in for both Entertainment & Woodshop. Randy presented a check for $250.00 to the Activities Committee from Woodshop. He encouraged Activities Committee to use that money to support new park activities.

Horseshoes-Anne stated that Don Shultis requested the Activities Committee buy new sand for horseshoe pits. The Office mistakenly put in wrong fill containing shells. Anne reported that the Activity Committee is willing to pay for new sand as soon as someone from this committee comes forward to take the lead. Joyce Farrington reported that her husband, Tom has agreed to take over leadership for horseshoes. His phone number is 716-510-5178. Anne will follow up with Tom regarding their needs.

Italian Dinner-Shana reported that there are only 11 seats available. There may be a few tickets at the door. Four more servers are needed for Dinner. Contact Shana Simison.

The annual Park Wide Garage Sale is scheduled for March 14th.

Alcohol Rule- Carl Shaver brought up current alcohol rules. He recommends not promoting alcohol at Dinners, dances, & street parties. He stated he was a police officer and has seen the damage that occurs when alcohol is involved. Feels drinking is out of hand in the park and rules should be adhered to and we should not encourage drinking. Anne stated that that the Board of Directors have put rules in the PBE Bylaws regarding this and the Activity Committee has no authority to change them. There is a form that the activity leader needs to sign asking the Board for permission to have alcohol at their functions. Anne has requested that the Board revise their form to be more specific and be in accordance to what their bylaws say. Jim Kleiner suggested tickets should say beer/wine ok so people will know what is allowed. Currently, alcohol is allowed at park functions with permission from the Board. Randy Darr said “he agreed with Anne and this was not a discussion for the Activities Committee. Let the Board decide”.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Wendy Graf and seconded by Sue Cassidy at 10:46 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Carol King