Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of December 23, 2019 Meeting – 20 Members in Attendance

  • The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 10:00 a.m.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  • Prayer was led by Carl Shaver
  • The minutes were accepted with a motion from Sally Seighman and seconded by Joyce Shaver.

Treasurer’s Report – Wendy Graf:

  • Account balance - $9,175.80. December 2019 Profit and Loss Report was made available to those who would like one.
  • Randy Darr questioned the “Entertainment” Expense on this report for $600.00. Wendy explained that Sara Bay had asked PB Activity Committee to help with the band expense for the New Years Eve Dance that is held at the Sara Bay Rec Hall. This was discussed, voted on and passed unanimously at the Jan 28, 2019 Activity meeting.
  • There was a question regarding the Activity Committee Account balance. Peggy explained that the committee members had voted to purchase an electronic bulletin board and $700.00 was set aside to help make this happen but she was told by past park management that the county would not allow this to happen because of some ordinance.  

President’s Report – Peggy Neely:

  • Peggy would like to have some volunteers to help clean out the decoration closets to make more room for storage.
  • Friday, Dec 27 volunteers signed up to help Lynn & Peggy with this task.
  • Jean Colson recommended that since storage seems to be a problem, maybe we should go to the board to have a storage building built.
  • Geri Estabrook suggested that maybe a closet could be built in the annex. Robin Smith says we should check with the office to see if there is room for storage any place else before doing anything.
  • Peggy Neely stated that she will check with the office.
  • More volunteers are also needed for coffee hour.
  • Randy Darr suggested to pass around a clipboard at Coffee Hour with needs asking for volunteers.
  • ALL Activity Leaders should attend these meetings or at least send a representative to attend in their absence.


Activity Reports/Updates:

Boating & Fishing Club:

Carl Shaver announced that this club has income from its’ membership fee and proceeds from the Frank and Bean dinner. We donate money to the PBE & SBRV Park Activities Committees. Peggy stated that the Activities Committee pays for all paper products.

Bayview Flowers:

Tom Colson reports there were 43 geraniums planted. He has volunteers to water the flowers thru March. Tom would like to replant the pots in front of the hall as the mums have died. He would like the Activity Committee to pay for this. Carl Shaver made the motion for giving up to $50 per pot to replant the flowers in front of the hall, Sue Cassidy 2nd. The Motion was passed after minimal discussion. Randy Darr suggested having a donation bucket to help fund the flowers.


Gerry Estabrook & Sally Seighman announced that the Trivia Contests will begin on JAN 17. There will be 2 contests in FEB and 1 in MAR. Geri will submit an article with details in the JAN Newsletter.


Welcome Reception for New Residents:

Joyce Shaver will be hosting the reception on January 10th from 1PM to 3PM. A food sign-up sheet was passed for those volunteering to bring their favorite finger foods.


Arlene Sharpsten announced that the Pancake Breakfast will be held on January 17th from 8:00 - 9:30 AM.   The cost is $3.


Randy Darr announced that the entertainment committee will be attending a showcase in Winter Haven on January 10th to prepare for 2020-2021 season shows.


Lynn Kalman announced that she is resigning her position as Decorations Chair, she has been doing a wonderful job for at least 5 years or more. She will continue to decorate for December and January but will turn in her keys in February.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Larry Neely and seconded by Robin Smith.

Respectfully submitted by Shana Simison, Exec Bd Assistant