Paradise Bay Activities Committee                                           

Minutes of February 11, 2019 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:45 a.m.                         

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Prayer was led by Dan Smith.

Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and accepted as posted.

Karen Rimatzki had a signup sheet for new email addresses of anyone who would like the minutes or any correspondence sent to them. If you are already receiving them, there is no need to sign up.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The bank balance is $9,049.27. There were no questions about the report. The report will stand as read.

Old Business

Newsletter-Anne will be submitting the Activities Committee Newsletter information to Joyce. It will be type written and will need to appear in the Newsletter as written (minus any typos that may need correcting).

Peggy said a check for up to $600.00 needs to be given to Karen Bonofiglio which was approved at our last meeting.

Club/Activity treasurer’s report-for the Clubs/Activities that have a separate account from the Activities Committee account, please submit a treasurer’s report to Wendy no later than April 15, 2019.

New Business


March Elections-the election for the Vice Chairperson and Treasurer will be held on the second meeting in March. If anyone is interested in either position, please let Peggy know.

Italian Dinner-Peggy stated that a lot of people are needed to help before, during and after the dinner.   A signup sheet was passed around for people to volunteer to help with the various duties. Peggy mentioned that she will possibly be getting a club membership to a restaurant supply place for the Activities Committee. This would help to purchase items for the dinners.

There was a lot of discussion about the supplies and items in the kitchen being used for personal functions. This is an expense to the Activities Committee. Also, some items such as utensils are missing. It was suggested there be a fee or make sure people bring their own supplies.

New Registration Chair is Shana Simison.

Phyllis C. and Gerry E. will continue to do the design for the tickets for next season but will need someone to pick them up.

Heidy suggested a “Souper” (soup/supper) to make money for the Activities Committee. Three Clubs each make a different soup and another club makes a dessert. These items would all be donated so there would be no expense to the Activities Committee. Sell tickets for around $6.00. If there were about 300 people served, we would make $1,800.00.

Bayfest-Pickleball members will be serving the luncheon. They will, also, clean up and move the tables and chairs to make room for the dance afterwards.

Memorial Service-Anne has been attempting to find out who is in charge of the Memorial Service and determine when it is going to be held. She will follow up on contacting the necessary people. The tentative date will be March 10th.

Bible Study-Dan Smith-He is wondering what the maximum amount of people are allowed in the Annex by the Fire Marshall. There has been up to 40 people attending the bible study so he doesn’t want to me in violation. Peggy said she would find out and let him know.

Kitchen supplies-Sue Cassidy-She said she appreciates that everyone cleans the kitchen and the hall after they use it. If there is any laundry that needs to done, please let her know. Also, Sue thanked Jean Colson for allowing a table at the Bazaar for the Library. They did the best they ever did.

Bocce-Jim Kleiner-They had their Fun Tournament on Thursday. It was a great success.

Ladies Friendship Club-Heidy Kiess-Five move-in kits that were packed for the homeless veterans who have found a place to live were delivered to Turning Points. She put together ten hygiene kits from donated items. The luncheon meeting is this Wed. at 1 p.m. and all ladies are welcome. We will be packing six more move-in kits. The items included in the kits amount to approximately $50.00. The can opener for the kitchen that was paid for by the Activities Committee last month should have been paid for by the Ladies Friendship Club. It was approximately $103.00. Therefore, the Ladies Friendship Club will reimburse the Activities Committee that amount.

Craft & Hobby Shows-Jean Colson-We had a wonderful Bazaar on Sat., Feb. 2nd. There were 16 vendors who paid a total of $180.00.   After the expenses, we made $131.00. Jean suggested getting lanyards that say vendor. This would identify the vendors who need access to the hall and kitchen. She, also, mentioned there was a problem with the air conditioning. Peggy mentioned that it was broken. Jean said the sign by the road should be repaired or replaced. Debbie Greeves stated that makes banners that are cheaper than other places.

Dances-Debbie Greeves-Last spring, there was a suggestion to bring live music to Bayfest. Therefore, we are paying $850.00 for the band for Bayfest as a donation to the Activities Committee. All 120 tickets were sold for last Saturday’s Dance. Eric Von was our entertainer and he “wowed’ the crowd. We’ve already booked him for next year. We plan to have three dances next year. For Bayfest, we will be posting the menu for the food tent that will be set up at 4:30 p.m. in front of the Paradise Bay Rec Hall. Family Fixins’ is selling the food.

Trivia Challenge-Gerry Estabrook-Today is the last day for signup for the Trivia Challenge on Fri., Feb. 15th at 1 p.m. We have enough teams to go ahead but will accept more until the end of day because we need to know how many sheets to prepare. Spectators will be allowed to watch from seats that are off to the side.

Health-Rainy Dula-The Health Fair and the Blood Mobile will be on Wed., Feb. 27th at Paradise Bay Rec Hall. There’s a signup sheet to donate blood on the bulletin board in the Hall. One pint of donated blood can be used for up to three people. Sam’s Club will be providing refreshments. Rainy has enough people to help serve them.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sue C. and seconded by Heidy K. at 10:47 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary