November 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Last Updated: Saturday, February 9, 2019

Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of November 12, 2018 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:30 a.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Peggy Neely opened the meeting.

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as posted with a motion by Jim Gath and seconded by Sue Cassidy.

Treasurer Report not available.

The Thanksgiving Dinner will be hosted by the Shuffleboard Club.

Registrations will be taken by Phyllis Cook. She has requested that she be notified in advance so she can check her availability before committing.

Our Chairperson is looking for someone to replace her. Also, Cindy Cole will be finishing up as Vice Chair at the end of December. We are in need of volunteers to step up and take over these positions. Peggy agreed to help anyone that would be interested.

Committee Reports were given by all Chairs in attendance.

We need someone to step up and lead the Entertainment Committee. Currently Randy and Darnel Darr have been filling this position.

Due to health issues, Melinda Ramsey will not be returning to Paradise Bay this season.

Activities Committee will be hosting the Christmas Eve Open House from 1 - 3 PM. This is a complimentary event for everyone. Please bring a dish to share. We will need volunteers to help with this event. Peggy encouraged all committee Chairs to help as well as encourage their committee members to help as well.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Larry Neely, seconded by Tom Colson.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted by Peggy Neely (Filling in for Karen Rematski, Secretary)