Paradise Bay Activities Committee                    

Minutes of March 5, 2018 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:30 a.m.                         

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and accepted as posted.

Karen R. stated that there’s a list of the clubs belonging to the Activities Committee on the website that needs to be updated which she is going to be working on. Also, there are links with information for some of the clubs. For the clubs without a link, she or a club representative can add a link for their club with a description and/or any other information they would like. She asked the members present what they would prefer. They were in agreement to have her add the links with the information.     

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. The DVD player was returned because Betty T. donated a new Blu-ray player, thank you. Thank you to the Ladies Friendship Club for $200.00 donation. We received money for donuts and the Italian Dinner. Our expenses included the Welcome Reception, kitchen supplies, Luminaires, Italian Dinner, Easter tickets, trophies for billiard tournament and the Hall sign and lights. Our balance is $14,950.00. There were no questions about the report. The report will stand as read.

Chairperson-Peggy Neely-The Italian Dinner went over very well. There were so many people who helped. Thank you to everyone. There were even more people who helped for Bayfest. Thank you, again, to all the groups and individuals. Sue Cassidy expressed her gratitude to everyone who cleaned up after these events. Jim Gath reported that there was participation from both parks for the Parade and Golf Cart Rodeo. If anyone has pictures or videos of the Parade, please get them to Lisa in the Office. She would like to post them on the website.

Vice-Chairperson-Cindy Cole-no report

Health Committee-Rainy Dula-The Health Fair was a success more than 167 attendees. Thank you to everyone who helped. There were 15 blood donors.

Boating and Fishing Club-Carl Shaver-We have a meeting tomorrow morning, March 6t h at 9:00 a.m. The Boating and Fishing Club is sponsoring the Easter Dinner on April 1st. Tickets for the Easter Dinner will be distributed during the March Coffee Hours and they are free. The Annual Fish Fry luncheon for members will be on Friday, March 23rd at 12 p.m.

Bayfest-Peggy Neely-50/50 winner was Jerry and Mary Ann K. Street Captains and volunteers were given tickets for lunch. There were 252 paid lunches.

Water Aerobics-Janet Kramer-February was a busy month. Attendance increased after a very chilly January, from the mid20s up to 41 people. Everyone is enjoying the new decorations. Come join us.

Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-She passed out questionnaires to residents that have been in the park for 10-15 years. They will use them to get more information. We still need pictures with names and dates. Brenda’s contact information is in the front of the Directory.

Ladies Friendship Club-Heidy Kiess-We are having our Fashion Show this Wednesday, March 7th, tickets are $3.00. At the Park Wide Sale on Saturday, March 10th, we will be selling hot dogs at Sally S. at 4 J St. At the next Coffee Hour, Monday, March 12th, there will be a speaker who is in charge of the Veteran’s Program at Turning Point. On Wednesday, March 14th is our next luncheon/meeting. At each of the January and February meetings, we packed 20 bags for homeless veterans. Due to the generosity of the residents of Paradise Bay and Sarasota Bay, we will be packing 30 bags at our next meeting. All ladies are welcome to join.

Shuffleboard Club-Bernie Broda-In the Manatee Shuffleboard League, Paradise Bay placed First.

Bible Study-Dan Smith-He is very appreciative for the new Blu-ray player for the television in the Rec Hall that was donated by Betty T.

Art Class-Marilyn Morrisey-The Annual Art Show will be on Sunday, March 18th at 1-3 p.m. at the Paradise Bay Rec Hall.

Car Club-Marlin Snyder-The cars that were in the Parade this year will come again next year.

Entertainment-Linda Ramsey-Bert Sine told us the last show will be Thursday, March 8th. At that time season ticket holders can renew for next year. After that, the season tickets will be available for anyone to purchase.

Susan Miller reminded us about the extra Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, March 13th at 1:30 p.m. to talk about the report from the Infrastructure Committee.

Old Business


Rules-There was some suggested changes to the draft of the Rules that had been distributed at the last meeting. It was agreed to make those changes. A motion was made by Brenda O. to approve the Rules with those changes. The motion was seconded by Betty T. It passed with a unanimous vote.

Lights for the Billboard signs at Paradise Bay and Sarasota Bay Rec Halls-Peggy and Larry N. purchased lights but they are too small so they will return them. Tina is trying to find lights that will work.

Nominating Committee-Peggy mentioned that we need a Nominating Committee to find candidates for the Chairperson and Secretary. No one offered to be on the Committee so Peggy N. and Karen R. agreed to continue for another term. The election will take place at the next meeting.

New Business


New Billboard sign at Sarasota Bay Rec Hall-Peggy N. explained the Billboard sign at Sarasota Bay Rec Hall is in bad shape and would like to purchase a new one and lights. A motion was made by Jim G. to purchase the sign and lights. The motion was seconded by Brenda O. It passed with a unanimous vote.


Sidewalk and pad at the Pickle Ball Courts-Peggy N. said she was approached by Tina and the President of the Board of Directors to request a donation of $2,160.00 to help pay for putting cement in the area by the new Pickle Ball Courts. Many of the people present felt that since it is on park property that it should be a park expense. A motion was made by Carl S. to donate $2,160.00 to help pay for the putting the cement in the area by the new Pickle Ball Courts. It was seconded by Jim G. There were 7 yes votes and 8 no votes so it did not pass. It was suggested that this be tabled until the next meeting but Robin told us that they needed to have this done before the fencing and lines on the court could be painted. A motion was made by Brenda O. to donate $1,500.00 for this project. It was seconded by Sue C. It passed with the majority voting yes and 2 no votes.

Peggy N. told us that the square folding card tables in the Annex are unstable with many of the legs collapsing. She would like us to purchase 8 new white tables that are sturdier. A motion was made by Marlin S. to purchase 8 white tables. It was seconded by Mary F. It passed with a unanimous vote.

Peggy N. mentioned that Tina is checking on getting the folding chairs in the Hall cleaned this summer.

Peggy N. told us that Ed C. is able to order free placemats with our National Anthem and O Canada from an organization which he is a lifetime member. She will ask him to order more for our coffee hours.

Bayfest is be scheduled for March 2, 2019.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Brenda O. and seconded by Sue C. at 10:50 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary