Paradise Bay Activities Committee

Minutes of January 22, 2018 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:30 a.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s report was not given. 

Ladies Friendship Club-Heidi Kiess-we will be having a bake sale, luncheon and raffling off a basket at the Bazaar on Saturday, February 3, 2018.

Boating and Fishing Club-Carl Shaver-the Frank and Bean Dinner will be Saturday, January 27, 2018.  The first one was in 1994 so this is the 25th Anniversary.  Joyce has tickets.

Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson-the deadline for submitting information for the February Newsletter is January 25, 2018.

Dance by Mary Fox in Debbie Greeves’ absence-dances at Paradise Bay Rec Hall will be on February 10th with Wendell Ray and March 10th with the Soul R Coaster band at 6-9 p.m. with doors opening at 5:30 p.m.  Tickets are $10.00 per person.  Tickets for the February 10th dance can be purchased now for Mary Fox, Debbie Greeves and Darnell at 14 2nd street.  Tickets for the March 10th dance will be available for sale on February 12th.

Woodshop by Mary Fox in Bruce Wagner’s absence-membership fee is $20.00.  Members will be attending the Tampa Show on January 25th and 26th.  The Rigatoni Dinner will be February 9th at 3-5 p.m.  Cost is $10.00.

There will not be a Michigan Canada Dinner this year.  Therefore, a donation of $493.57 was made to the Activities Committee from previous years’ proceeds. 

BayFest(ParaSara Happy Days)-Peggy Neely-Jim G. stated there will be a parade on Saturday, March 3rd to advertise the luncheon to be held in the Paradise Bay Rec Hall.  There will be antique cars, golf carts and bikes.  Everyone is encouraged to participate and decorate their vehicles.  Anyone wishing to be in the parade should meet at the Sarasota Bay Rec Hall by 9:30 a.m.  There will be first, second and third prizes given for each mode of transportation.  Lunch will be served at 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and includes pulled pork sandwiches. The cost is $5.00.  The Golf Cart Rodeo will be at 3 p.m. on the million dollar lot.

Golf-Jim Gath-golf league on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. at Pinebrook Ironwood Golf Course.

Health-Rainy Dula-the Health Fair will be Wednesday, February 28th at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  The Bloodmobile will be there at 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Travel-Nancy Howard-the cruise meeting for next week’s cruise will be on Tuesday, January 23rd at 10 a.m.


 Old Business

 Luminaires-Anita Cook-submitted and explained a Luminaires Pilot Project for Christmas Eve 2018.  Their committee is requesting $400.00 to pay for 600 fire retardant bags.  Several other options were discussed including plastic and paper bags.  A motion was made by Mary Fox to pay $70.00 for 1,000 white paper bags.  It was seconded by Sue Cassidy and passed with a unanimous vote. 

 Billboard sign-to install a new upgraded sign, it will cost $979.22 with a $489.61 deposit.  It should take 10-15 days to receive.  Also, after the old sign is removed there might need to be repairs done before the new sign is installed.  It wasn’t clear who would make or pay for any necessary repairs.  There was no estimate for installing a light above the sign.  It was suggested that portable lights might work.   A motion was made by Rainy Dula to pay $979.22 to install a new upgraded sign.  It was seconded by Brenda Ocenasek.  It passed with a unanimous vote.

Rules-In order to clarify scheduling the coffee hours and meetings, because some months have 5 Mondays, it was suggested that Coffee Hours be on the first and third Mondays of the month and the Activities Committee meetings be on the 2nd and fourth Mondays of the month.  Another suggestion was made to plan the Thanksgiving Dinner by the end of the previous season.  Those suggestions will be considered in the process of updating the Rules.


New Business

 DVD player-the exercise class would like a new DVD player because the one in the Annex is not working.  A motion was made by Glenda to purchase one at a cost not to exceed $100.00.  It was seconded by Joyce.  It passed with a unanimous vote.

Club’s accounts-Peggy stated that it was a violation of the current Policies and Procedures that three committees took their money from the Activities Committee account, since there needs to be an approval for expenditures over $300.00.  There was a lot of discussion concerning this matter.  A motion was made by Carl S. to allow the three clubs that have taken their money to keep their money separate as long as they have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and give an accounting to the Activities Committee.  Heidy seconded the motion.  It passed with a majority vote with two votes in opposition.


Meet the Candidates for the Board of Directors will be at the next Coffee Hour, Monday, January 29th

Lt. Andrews will speak about Crime Prevention at the February 12th Coffee Hour.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Terry R. and seconded by Lynda K at 11:00 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary