Paradise Bay Activities Committee 

Minutes of December 11, 2017 meeting

The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:30 a.m.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and stand approved as presented.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. Report from the Audit showed a difference of $118.88, Peggy Neely and Wendy Graf will accept this error and write off that amount to balance the audit.  Motion by Betty Trader and 2nd by Sue Cassidy to accept.

Bayfest was discussed for March 3rd 2018 Saturday. There will be pulled pork and hot dogs inside the hall. 1950’s &1960’s theme with dancers during the lunch, antique car parade, along with golf carts decorated for the theme.  Following the Para Sara Happy Days golf cart rodeo.

Heidy Kiess reported the Ladies Friendship Needs men’s underware for Turning Point.

Travel by Don Howard given in absence of Nancy Howard,  They will be traveling to Edison Jan. 17th. For $97.00 per person, reservations in by Jan 13th.  Lynn Kalman inquired about the price.

Arlene Sharpston pancake breakfast Jan. 19th 2018 at 8:00 till 9:30 a.m.

Sara bay, Bonnie Kragis is the Newletter person.

Phyllis Cook has resigned as Receptions Volunteer.

Sue Cassidy has done a lot of traveling and the committee has voted to reimburse her for her travel.

Tom Colson submitted a bill to The Activities Committee treasurer Wendy Graf for the flowers on the bay. Tom said that the watering schedule is completed.

Christmas Open House is December 24, 2017 between the hours of 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Peggy Neely reminded the committee that this was done by the Activities Committee and stated volunteers are needed.

There was a discussion for the new electronic sign.  What computer should be used to run the sign. Who would be in control of the accessibility into it. Sue Miller mentioned a new computer might have to be purchased.  Motion made by Jim Gath and 2nd by Marlin Snyder to proceed for the amount and information of the sign.

Golf League, meets every Tuesday at Pinebrook Golf Course, in charge is Jim Gath.

Carl Shaver brought up that all Committees that use cups, napkins, coffee etc. for their meetings or luncheons should reimburse the Activities Committee for the expense.

Larry Neely made a motion to adjourn, Carl Shaver 2nd the Motion.