Ladies’ Friendship Club Meeting Minutes Dec. 14, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Heidy Kiess, president, at 12:35

The luncheon was served for 26 members and guests following a poem and prayer by Sylvia Fenton, chaplain.

After the meal, the meeting began with Heidi introducing the officers:  Heidy Kiess, President, Sally Seighman, Vice-president, Joyce Nicholson, Secretary, and Phyllis Cook, Treasurer.

Members & guests were welcomed and guests introduced themselves.

Joyce read the minutes from the last meeting, Mar.9, 2016, and presented thank you notes for gifts and donations from Activities Committee, FELT, and Sandra Barei, past president.  Minutes were accepted as read with a date correction of todays’ meeting.

Treasurer’s report showed a new balance on hand of $2,729.25 and dues were collected.  The report was approved as read and Phyllis asked that all monies collected be turned in to her for recording so we have a history of it.

There was discussion about inviting others from SaraBay and about ways to communicate our meetings to them.  Phyllis said she would make a flyer and take over to their Rec Hall.


Heidy asked for a critique of the recent bake sale to improve the next one.  It was recommended to have a table outside at the February Bazaar.   This would be placed in the vicinity of the “Trash to Treasures” sale to attract more sales from those who do not come into the Rec Hall.   Jean Colson recommended having a canopy to cover the food table outside, and Phyllis Cook volunteered the use of hers. 

Discussion followed regarding the success of the raffle basket and the bake sale.  The raffle raised $161.00 net. 


Marilyn Stace suggested we try something new for a fundraiser, such as a fashion show, or doing a cookbook.  The fashion show would be handled by a store called “Christopher Banks” and they have offered to put it on the calendar for Mar 1.  We would need to have models and probably refreshments.  After some discussion, a motion was made, seconded and approved to go ahead with the Mar 1 fashion show, with cookies as refreshments.  The cookbook was determined by the discussion to be a good idea but will it was decided it will be put on hold until next year.  No one volunteered to chair this project. 

Heidy gave a description & explanation of Turning Points.  She is still getting a lot of items for veterans, so interest is still high to help them.  We will fill bags with items to replenish their backpacks from last year….the list of items needed is on the box in the Rec Hall. 

It was reported that a $100.00 memorial was given and that was spent for backpack supplies. 

The next meeting will be held Jan 11, 2017 at 12:30pm with Sally Seighman in charge.

Discussion of those which we would like to donate to was tabled until the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respetfully submitted, Joyce Nicholson