Ladies’ Friendship Club Meeting Minutes -- Jan 11, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Sally Seighman, Vice-president, at 12:32 pm.
The luncheon was served for 24 members and guests following a poem and prayer by Sylvia Fenton, chaplain.
Joyce Nicholson announced the minutes from the last meeting were sent to members via email, and posted on the activity board in the Rec Hall to be viewed by those not having email addresses. The minutes from the last meeting, Dec 14, 2016, were accepted as received and posted. Note: After the meeting, Secretary, Joyce Nicholson noted an error in the date of the previous minutes. The date was listed as Dec. 14, 2017 and should have been Dec 14, 2016, so it has been corrected in the official final copy maintained by the secretary.
The Treasurer’s report showed a new balance on hand of $2,893.86. Dues were collected from current & new members. The report was approved as read.
New members & guests were introduced and welcomed.
The fund-raiser fashion show we voted to have on March 1st is in need of getting organized and no one has stepped up to chair the project. Sally indicated we are in need of committees, one for refreshments and another to organize the actual fashion show. She asked for volunteers, and having none, the group made a motion to postpone the fashion show until we could have more time to organize and get volunteers for this new venture. It was approved by the group to postpone the event, probably until next year.
Discussion was held regarding which charities we would like to donate money to at this time. Phyllis reported we had previously donated to FELT (Feeding Empty Little Tummies), St Joseph’s food pantry, Our Daily Bread, a local Girls Basketball team, the local fire department for scholarship. Another suggestion was a local Women & Children’s Shelter. Everyone agreed that would be a good idea, but did not know the location or name of one. Joyce Nicholson volunteered to research the availability of one and check with them for their needs, either money or items, such as diapers, etc.
It was approved by a vote of the group to increase donations at this time to $250.00 for each of FELT, St Joseph’s, Our Daily Bread; also to give items or money equal to $250.00 to the local Women’s shelter. After discussion about Turning Points needs of laundry and cleaning supplies, it was approved to set aside $100.00 for them, to be determined if this would be in the form of supplies we purchase, or money for them to purchase on their own. The total approved by the group to donate at this time was $1,100.00 with decisions to be made at the end of the season for future donations.
The group agreed to do the gift basket raffle again at the next bazaar Feb 4. Lynn Jones, 44-1, and Arlene Sharpsten, 25-H volunteered to accept donated items and wrap them into the basket.
There were multiple questions asked about what we are continuing to collect for others, and it was reported to all that we continue to collect plastic caps and no further backpacks, but we still collect items for refilling last year’s backpacks. The list of items needed, and a box for the collection, remains in the Rec Hall main room. Wendy Graf shared that she has made a plea on our behalf at the Sarasota Bay coffee hour, and has collected multiple washcloths, towels, and other items for Turning Points. She will continue to invite them to donate, and also to attend & become members of our group.
With no other business to discuss, it was announced the next meeting will be held February 8, 2017 at 12:30pm and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Nicholson, Secretary