Ladies Friendship Club Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: 2/8/23          1:00 PM                  Number attending: 32

Susan Miller welcomed members and guests and first-time attendees.

Prayer: Peggy Baer

Lunch was served.

Secretary’s report: Karen R. stated that the minutes of the last meeting were previously sent by email and passed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Lori J. and seconded by Heidy K. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s report: Joyce F. said the profit from the Luncheon was $1,258 and from the donuts was $78. We made $295 from raffle for the 2 Gift Baskets and $505 from the Bake Sale. Our total profit was $2,136.  The balance in our account is $3,648.27. If anyone has sold any bracelets, please turn in the money. We have sold 44 bracelets. A motion to accept the report was made by Jean C. and seconded by Sally S. It passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Style Show: Joyce N. & Heidy K.-We voted last month to do the “Fun” Style Show. We’re going to make it a little longer than the ones in the past. The outfits have been chosen and we need several items to make them. A list of items needed was passed around for people to sign up to donate any of them. Volunteers will be needed to help make the outfits. The Show will be on March 23rd. Heidy K. told us we will, also, be modeling outfits from a thrift/second hand store. The models will tell us where they got their outfit and how much it cost. During the intermission, we will be handing out gift bags. Lori J. is collecting the items for the gift bags so please bring them to her. A sign-up sheet was passed around to be a model. We need about 12-15 models. There will be about 25-30 outfits for the “Fun” part. Joyce N. & Heidy K. will be the narrators.

Welcome Committee: Cathy M. told us they will be distributing usable zippered insulated bags with the Paradise Bay logo and website filled with all kinds of information about the activities, etc. to new shareholders. The bags are being paid for by the Activities Committee.

Bracelets: We will sell them during the Coffee Hours. Peggy volunteered to sell them at the next Coffee Hour on February 20th.

Valentine’s Day Visits to 90+: Susan M. has ordered the flowers. They will be here the morning of February 14th. Rosie, Donna, and Mariann have volunteered to put together the bouquets and distribute them. Others have, also, offered to help, so we should have enough people. We do need more vases so if anyone has any, please bring to the Hall or Susan’s. If we don’t get enough, we will buy more.


New Business:

Nominating Committee: This year the office of President and Treasurer are up for election in March. Joyce F. has decided to continue as Treasurer. Cathy M. has agreed to be the President. Peggy B. has agreed to be the Vice President.

Hot Dog Sale: It will be on Saturday, March 11th at Sally S.’s house. Susan M. made a sign-up sheet with 2 hour shifts to help from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. that was passed around. She asked for someone to be in charge and buy all the supplies. Rosie K. offered to do that.

Distribution of Funds: Heidy K. made a motion to donate $600 to Southeast High School Girl’s Basketball. It was seconded by Donna M. It passed unanimously. Joyce N. told us she got a $250 grant to help defray some expenses for the Style Show. Susan M. said she will be getting a $250 grant to help pay for the supplies for the Hot Dog Sale. Lori J. told us about how she helped families pay for their children’s lunches at school anonymously so she offered to find out how we can possibly help residents in Paradise Bay that need financial assistance; Donna M. and Sally S. volunteered to help her. Donna M. made a motion to give $250 to the Activities Committee. It was seconded by Rosie K. It passed unanimously. Rosie K. made a motion to donate $500 to Meals on Wheels Plus. It was seconded by Heidy K. It passed unanimously. Joyce F. will send a list of our donations to Karen R. that will be emailed to the members. There was a lot of discussion about possible donations to different organizations out of the area. It was mentioned that we promote that our donations are made locally. Violet A. made a motion to table our discussion about distribution of funds until we receive the list of past donations. It was seconded by Sarah K. It passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2023 at 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Rimatzki, Secretary