Ladies Friendship Club Meeting Minutes

Date/Time:        2/9/22   1:00 PM                              Number attending:  27

Susan Miller welcomed members and guests and first-time attendees.

Prayer: Susan Miller

Lunch was served.

Secretary’s report:

Karen R. stated that the minutes of the last meeting were previously sent by email and passed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted. Karen R. read a Thank You Card from Kay S. who won one of the Baskets from the Raffle.

Treasurer’s report:  

Joyce F. said that Joyce N. received a grant from Thrivent for $250.00 in order to help the Southeast High School Girls Basketball Team. Those funds were used to pay for most of the food for the Luncheon. Our profit from the Luncheon was $1,205.10. The profit from the Donut Sale was $51.00. The profit from the Basket Raffle was $283.11. The profit from the Bake Sale was $468.61. The total profit was $2,007.82. The balance in our account is $3,638.43 not including the dues collected, today. Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Old Business:

Susan M. thanked everyone who helped with the Luncheon, Bake Sale, and Basket Raffle.

Cleaning of the kitchen is complete. Susan M. thanked everyone who helped. She received a lot of compliments about how well it was cleaned. There is a large supply of rags, now. There is enough towels and dish cloths, too.

Turning Points Tour is complete. It was mentioned that they provide a lot of services and it’s a very nice place.

Karen Carpenter spoke to us about some of the agencies that we might consider making a donation. She has been in the area for over 30 years and been involved with the Kiwanis Club. She mentioned Turning Points, Southeast High School Girls Basketball Team, and F.E.L.T. as being wonderful organizations to support. She likes agencies that depend on volunteers and help people that really need help like the homeless. Two charities that she recommended are Mothers Helping Mothers and Stillpoint House of Prayer. She told us that the Salvation Army has a place for the homeless to spend the night.

New Business:

Formation of Nominating Committee: Karen R. has agreed to continue as Secretary for another term. Jean C. has respectfully declined to continue as Vice President. Therefore, we need someone to become the Vice President for two years. We need someone to head the Nominating Committee to find someone for that position. The election will be in March. The duties of the Vice President are to fill in for the President in her absence and assist the President with anything she requests. Lynn J. agreed to be in charge of the Nominating Committee.

Hot Dog Sale will be on Saturday, March 12th. A signup sheet was passed around for volunteers to help with set up, cooking, serving and clean up. The Sale will be at Sally S.’s at 4 J St. Susan M. said she received a grant for up to $249.00 to help pay for the supplies for the Hot Dog Sale.

Distribution of Monies: Lori J. made a motion to donate $3,000 to various charities. Violet A. seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Violet A. made a motion to donate $500 to the Southeast High School Girls Basketball Team. Jean C. seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Wendy G. told us in the past the Sunshine Club has distributed flowers and a card around Valentine’s Day to all the residents of Paradise Bay and Sarasota Bay that are 90 years old or older. They are no longer doing that. She asked if the Ladies Friendship Club would like to continue with this annual activity. Everyone agreed that we would. Susan M. asked for volunteers to help with this activity. Several people agreed to help. As long as the Hall is available on Friday at 1 p.m, those people will meet then to assist with this activity.

Peggy B. made a motion to donate $500 to Turning Points. Margie R. seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Heidi K. made a motion to donate $500 to Stillpoint House of Prayer and $500 to F.E.L.T. Esther H. seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Welcome Committee: Susan M. told us she would let the Activities Committee know that the Ladies Friendship Club would be willing to visit new residents with any pertinent information/documents.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:24 p.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2022 at 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Rimatzki, Secretary