Ladies Friendship Club Meeting Minutes

Date/Time:        1/12/22               1:00 PM                              Number attending:  20

Susan Miller welcomed members and guests and first-time attendees.

No lunch was served.

Prayer: Jean Colson

Secretary’s report:

Minutes of the last meeting were previously sent by email and passed out at the meeting. There were no additions or corrections so the minutes will stand as posted. Karen R. passed around a Membership List asking Members to check the contact information and make any necessary changes. Also, for any new Members, a form was circulated to have them put their information.

Treasurer’s report:  

$500.00 was sent to Meals on Wheel Plus, $200.00 was given to Heidi for the homeless, and $80 collected for dues.

Current balance in our account is $1,570.61. Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Old Business:

Susan M. thanked everyone who helped with the Coffee Hour last month.

The next Craft Show is on Saturday, February 5, 2022. We will have a luncheon, bake sale and raffle. Shirley Dockery & Linda Fardella will help with the luncheon. Lynn Jones & Shari Ray will help with the bake sale and raffle. They will be asking people to volunteer. We, also, need donations of bake goods for the bake sale and desserts for the luncheon. There was a lot of discussion about how to safely make and serve the luncheon. It will be mandatory to wear masks in the kitchen. Karen R. will submit an email to Jim G. with information about the luncheon, bake sale, and raffle to be sent to all the residents.

During the Parkwide Sale on March 12th, we will be having a Hot Dog Sale at Sally Seighman’s on 4 J St. We will be asking for volunteers at our February meeting.

Turning Points Tour on Friday, January 14, 2022. We are allowed to have 10 people on the tour. There is still room for 5 more people. Susan asked anyone who is interested in going to stay after the meeting. The Tour will begin at 11 with a video, then a tour of all the sections.

Fundraising: The Style Show is canceled this year because Beall’s will not be doing it.

Heidi informed us about selling Golf Shirts for $25.00 each. The Boating & Fishing Club will be selling T-shirts with the Paradise Bay logo. In order to not be in competition with them, it was decided to wait until next year.

Joyce N. will look into possibly selling bracelets like we did in the past.

Kitchen cleaning: January 19th & 20. An email was sent asking for volunteers to sign up. Susan M. has made a schedule with the names of the people who responded. She passed the schedule around for more people to sign up. She explained what needs to be done.

New Business:

Next month, we need volunteers for a Nominating Committee for the election in March for Vice-President and Secretary.

Welcome Committee: Susan M. told us she has been asked by the Activities Committee if we would like to have a group of our members visit new residents with information about all the different Activities, etc. She asked for a vote to establish this Committee and it was approved unanimously.

If anyone has a suggestion of where we can donate our money, please let us know.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 p.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2022 at 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Rimatzki, Secretary